The Bell Test

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Next day, 3:00 AM. Before Dawn

"Goooood Morrrrninnng~" Sakura yawned. "It's time to get up guys. We need to make it over there before five so we have plenty of time for some traps. Get up!" She slapped the boys on their rear ends.

Both groaned and then rolled into a sitting position. "We're up, we're up."

The trio gulped down a hasty breakfast of cereal and toast and fruit before picking up their backpacks and holsters. Making their way to the training ground, Naruto pulled out a brush and some ink and began painting seals on the ground. Following his example, Sasuke and Sakura laid out traps everywhere, committing them to memory.

By the time it was five o'clock, the entire training ground was littered with seals and traps. Only, once Naruto sealed it all, it was invisible and will be activated only by a foreign chakra unlike Naruto Sasuke, Sakura's. Almost every inch of ground was covered in seals. The moment Naruto puts them on active mode, Kakashi would have nowhere to run. Even the ground he would be standing on wouldn't be safe. Then it'd be easy to lead him to the actual traps Sakura and Sasuke set up.

What Naruto actually had drawn out were explosions and binding seals. Some released knives and some made a hole in the ground.

Now all they had to do was wait.

So they waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

... The sun came up.

They waited again.




"Yo! How's everyone doing?" Kakashi's cheerful voice rang out across the clearing. Instantly, he had all three youngsters up on their feet and glaring at him. Aww, how cute. The liveliness of youth! Oh no, now he was sounding like Gai.

"YOU'RE LATE!" They pointed accusingly at him. So cute.

"Mah, mah, I had to help an old lady with some of her stuff, and she lives all the way on the other side of the village! I had to help her. Sorry guys."

Naruto looked pissed. Sakura looked murderous, and Sasuke looked annoyed. He cleared his throat again. "Now that I'm here, I'll explain the rules." He set down an alarm clock on the three posts and put some bentos down. "Here I have some bells. You need to get the bells from me before the alarm clock rings at noon. The person who does not have a bell will fail, and I will tie him or her to the post and eat lunch right in front of you."

So that's why he told us not to eat breakfast! Their stomach's growled, having eaten hours ago. Their anger levels spiked. None of them registered that there were only two bells in Kakashi's hand.

Kakashi quirked his brows. By now, at least one of them would have freaked and pointed out the two bells in his hand, but this group was different. Oh well. "Start!"

Naruto immediately put his seals on activation mode, unbeknownst to Kakashi. Kakashi looked around at them, confused that they weren't doing anything. "I said start? Aren't you guys going to hide?"

"If we're going to fight you for the bells anyway, there's no point in hiding and separating ourselves," Sakura explained. "Besides, you made us angry enough to want a direct confrontation."

"Naruto's already in position." Sasuke pulled out a kunai and twirled it expertly. "And so are we."

Kakashi didn't get it. All he could manage was an idiotic, "Huh?"

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