Meeting Sensei

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Naruto got up before his alarm clock today. He was excited. This was the day he was being assigned to a Genin team! He hoped it was with Sasuke and Sakura. Well, most likely he was already with Sasuke, since he was dead last and Sasuke was first, but Sakura? He didn't want their team broken up.

Who'd be his sensei? Some crazy bad ass ninja! Man, all those moves that his sensei would teach them made him drool. He'd be so great, that everyone would know him, he'd be so feared that all of his students—namely, himself—would also be feared, and then they'd be renowned once they surpass him and show the world who's boss! Yeah, that'd be awesome.

Naruto snickered as he rubbed his face dry from the cold water. He didn't stop snickering as he scarfed down his cereal. Putting on dark blue shinobi pants and an orange shirt over a mesh undershirt, he adjusted his shiny new headband on his forehead. He grinned at his reflection in the small mirror on his wall. "Headband, check! Killer grin, check! Bed, made and ready check! Gloves- there they are. CHECK! I'm ready to go, y'all!"

Naruto pulled on dark green fingerless gloves he received as a present from Sakura and adjusted his kunai holster from Sasuke. Closing his eyes and reaching out with his chakra, calming his senses like he had done back before in the forbidden forest a few nights ago, he felt Sasuke and Sakura's chakra's heading toward the Academy a few miles away. "Time to go. Yesha! Go go Uzumaki Naruto! One step closer to greatness!"

He dashed outside his apartment.

Sasuke was dressed in his usual Uchiha shirt, white shorts, and leg wrappings. On his arms, he had short, black wrist protectors on both sides. A present from Sakura. He wasn't feeling all that excited. Sure, it was his first day as an official Genin and ninja of the village, but what's so great about that? It 's still the lowest ranking there is. He was to meet up with Sakura on the outskirts of her area, which was in his direction towards the Academy. He didn't live in the Uchiha district anymore. Even if the council didn't urge him to move out into another apartment he would have moved out anyway. To either Naruto's house or a new apartment. Of course, Naruto's apartment was too small, but back then, both of them had been small enough that it didn't matter. Then again, the council would never have let him move in with Naruto. He didn't understand why people hated his blonde friend so much. Sure, he was annoying sometimes, but Naruto was generally a very nice and talented guy. He was loyal and a good friend. Not once in their six years together did Naruto ever do anything to let him or Sakura down. It didn't make sense that people disliked Naruto for no reason. It was a stark contrast to how the civilians treated him and how they treated Naruto. For some reason it made him ashamed.

When he went home after the ordeal in the forbidden forest, he immediately went to the stove, and against his better judgment, had placed his hand in the middle of the blue flames. He had expected to recoil, screaming—his blood had pounded so hard in his ears, expecting his hands to be charred and black—but his hand was fine. In fact, he enjoyed the tingling sensation of the fire flickering across his knuckles.

Baffled, the very next day Sasuke went to a ninja equipment store and bought some of those chakra sensing paper. Unfortunately they didn't come in sheets, but in packets, and so he was forced to buy an entire packet (250 sheets), and once he had the thing, he was strangely scared to try it out.

So what if he had more than one natural element? It would probably mean that he had a physical kekkei genkai, but can he do anything to combine the two elements? How did combinations work anyway? Besides, if he did have another bloodline limit, what about the Sharingan? Would he, the last of the Uchiha, be a failure to it's legacy? Leaving behind no Sharingan for his descendants? Just the thought made him feel sick. What would his father say?

His father wasn't here. He remembered with a grimace. Dead. Dead at the hands of his brother. Damn it!

Sasuke turned a corner into a desolate alley and punched his fist into the wall. Why? Why? He thought all the demons of his past had been cast away in the last six years with his friends. Why was that life continued to remind him of all the terrible pains of his younger days?

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