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"It's been a while, Sarutobi-sensei." Orochimaru purred. "I don't think time has been kind to you." He looked mighty proud of himself as he pulled off the skin of the man he was impersonating. The venerable Third Hokage, trapped within his former student's grip, grimaced.

"So it was you, Orochimaru. What is your purpose here?" He silently hoped that in the inevitable clash, no one else would be hurt. His hopes were answered as four of Orochimaru's goons erected a barrier on top of the building. Watching from the corner of his eyes, he contemplated killing one of them to diffuse the barrier and let reinforcements in..but such thoughts were put to a halt as the goons erected another barrier to cage him and Orochimaru in, and themselves out of harm's way.

Sarutobi shook his head in remorse. "What have you become, Orochimaru? Should I really have put an end to you back then? Is this recompense for my hesitation?"

Orochimaru chuckled.

"I suppose it could be, sensei. I intend to kill you and destroy this village, but I know that taking down the God of Shinobi would be hard task even for me, even if the famed Professor is a wrinkled old man. Which is why-!" He made hand seals, and caskets sprung up from the rooftop.

"These will aid me in my quest!"

No! Sarutobi deduced from the kanji on the caskets exactly who Orochimaru was about to unleash. I can't let him summon them! He leapt away from Orochimaru, and frantically ran through some hand seals for a counter-sealing technique, but luckily the third casket failed to be summoned and was taken back to the underworld. The first two however, stood tall in front of Orochimaru, and Sarutobi felt a deep seated fear flash across his chest.

As the casket opened, two people stepped out, two people everyone in the village knew well, especially an old man like him.

The two former Hokages, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama looked dull and lifeless, but continued to walk forward.

"Saru, is that you? You've grown old," the First Hokage remarked lifelessly. "How are we back?"

Sarutobi wiped some tears from his eyes at the sight of his long gone teachers and predecessors. He was sick to the core to think the two honorable leaders' could have been so defiled. He was utterly ashamed and angry at the creature laughing in front of him, and silently vowed to put an end to his existence that very day.

Team Badass (A Naruto Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant