Mission Impossible: Steal Kakashi's Book!

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The genin of Team Badass were insanely bored. They had done 2 missions that day, yet they still had over half the day left and nothing to do. Sakura had suggested they go catch some sweets, but was reminded that wasn't Sasuke's favorite food. Sasuke wanted to train, and almost did so, if he'd not been pulled back by Naruto, who'd just had an epiphony of what they could do.

"I've got it you guys!" He whispered secretively as they huddled together.

"You don't have to whisper, Naruto." Sakura said. "Noone's around, you baka.."

"Meh, whatever!" He retorted. "I've got the best idea ever!" He giggled in exitement.

Team Badass had decided to do the impossible: Steal Kakashi's "Make-Out Paradise" book. Sasuke reluctantly agreed after Naruto told him it would be a challenge to his skills as a ninja. Sakura reluctantly said yes, although inside she was itching for a chance to see why the pervy book interested their sensei so much. So, they set out to get into Kakashi's hut and make off with the novels.

An hour later, they split up. One was to distract Kakashi away from his house, one was to break into the place, and one was to sneak in and snatch the books. Sakura said she would distract the man; She would get to put her plan of getting some sweets into action after all. Sasuke would sneak in and grab the books after Naruto found a way to get the door unlocked. Naruto was to stand guard incase Kakashi were to come back and Sakura's distraction failed. After going over it thoroughly, they travelled to Kakashi's house. Sasuke and Naruto snuck up onto the roof and hid while Sakura knocked on the door.

Kakashi opened it, surprised. "Sakura? Uhh, did you need something?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh, hi Kakashi-sensei! I was hoping you like to..." She faked a blush to get his attention. "...Get some sweets?"

"Uh, well, I don't think I should.." He chuckled guiltily. She did a terrific job of acting as in she looked down sadly, and said in a trembling voice, "I...It's okay, I guess... Well..." She sniffled lightly. "I guess I'll see ya later... sensei..." She began to walk off, inwardly cursing herself for failing.

"Wait, Sakura," Kakashi said, walking out the door and closing it behind him. "I guess I could come with you.." He sighed and began walking back to town with her. "SCOREE!" Inner Sakura screamed.

"Yes! Now, wait till they're out of sight, then we get in there and grab those books!" Naruto snickered. "I know the plan," Sasuke sighed. Inside he really DID want to see what was in those books(the little perv!), but his dignity and pride would never let him show it. Soon the silver-haired man and his student disappeared down the road, and that being done, Naruto slid down the pipe and onto the ground. He dusted himself off, and Sasuke leaped nimbly from the roof, landing on his feet beside Naruto. "Naruto," Sasuke said. "You brought lock-picking tools, right?"

"Uhh..." The blonde chuckled nervously. "I kinda got caught up in the moment and forgot them at home..."

"BAKA!" Sasuke smacked the back of Naruto's head, sending the boy to the ground. "How the hell are we supposed to get in without lock-picking tools?" The blonde mumbled something, but Sasuke didn't catch it, as Naruto's face was in the dirt. "Get up," Sasuke snapped, getting Naruto off the ground. "Oww..." The boy in orange mumbled, rubbing his head. "I said, we could use kunai." He scowled. Sasuke smirked. "Naruto, that could work."

"So, sensei, where do you wanna go? Ichiraku's? Or, how about to the riceball shop? Maybe to catch some tea?" Sakura bombarded her partner with questions. "Oh, I don't know, Sakura..." He groaned. "O-Oh..." She mumbled. "I'm sorry..." Her arm slithered away from it's position looped in his. He sighed again. "I really should be getting back to my book..."

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