A Month Later

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"You let him escape, didn't you?" Kakashi asked, as they were on their way back to Konoha. "You didn't mess up the tags, you deliberately placed them so that he'd either leave on his own, or come back for Haku, solidifying their relationship."

"As if I could be that heroic," Naruto laughed it off. "What makes you think that?"

Kakashi shrugged. "Just after watching over you guys for two months, I'm coming to understand more about you now. And the Naruto I think I know would do something like that. After what I've seen you do with Inari, and the improvement in his attitude. And I think the rest of you were in on it. Though, it's a little unfair that I'm the only one left out of the plans. For better teamwork, let's not do that anymore, okay? We have to communicate more, and I know that I haven't been as receptive...but I'll work on it. You guys are talented, brilliant individuals, and I promise to make you the best."

"Good riddance," Sasuke crossed his arms. "Now, are you going to teach us anything worth learning?"

Kakashi nodded. "Before I forget, I'm sorry. I don't think I took the right approach to you three. And as a teacher that's unacceptable."

"What kind of approach?" Sakura wanted to know.

Kakashi smiled his u-shape smile. "Oh you know, the usual 'idiotic boring brats' kind of approach. But don't get me wrong, I totally see your perspective now."

"Che, just teach us something more interesting than tree climbing," Naruto grumbled. "That was way too easy." All three of them aced it. Naruto, recalling his torturous training to master the Bunshin no jutsu made it to the top in three tries. Sakura in one, Sasuke in also three.

"Yeah, well, I'll make sure to get around to it pretty soon." Kakashi assured them. "This time you can trust me. After all, the Chuunin exams are rolling around. We better hurry up, or we're going to be late for the registrations."

To his immense pleasure, all three of them stopped in their tracks and looked up at him with shining eyes. "Chuunin exams?" Awe was written all over their faces. "Really?"

"Really." He grinned under the mask. "And as talented as you three all are, there's still room for improvement." He turned serious. "Be up for some serious training, cause I expect Genin of your caliber to all pass on your first try. Got it?"

"Yeah!" They hooted and jumped up and down in glee.

Sasuke and Naruto looked especially thrilled. "Does this mean we won't have to do D-ranks anymore? If we pass, I mean," Sasuke asked.


"YES!" Naruto hollered. "Alright, Team Badass! Chuunin exams, here we come!"

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