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"What's that barrier!" Sakura asked, smashing her fist into some ninja's nose. "It looks terrible."

"Sasuke spared a glance at the dark rectangular barrier that formed over the roof of the terrace. His Sharingan whirled as he took it in.

"It looks like a solid condensed projection of chakra, reinforced by seals in the four corners. It's being held in place by four people, with their bodies acting as the conduit for the energy condensation and perpetuation. Which means it's a little harder to break than the average four corner barrier formed by paper seals..." His brow furrowed as he saw another layer of barrier form behind the four figures.

"They set up a second barrier. Now that's some control. Just who are they holding captive-"

"I don't think you should look anywhere other than me!" The ninja Sasuke was fighting lunged and slashed with his wakizashi. Sasuke cursed and grabbed his left bicep, feeling a trickle of blood escape the gash on his arm.

"Damn it!" Sakura screamed and wiped out two ninja at once with one furious kick. "Don't you dare hurt our Sasuke!" She pummeled the ninja who was advancing on Sasuke from behind and knocked him unconscious.

"Where is Naruto? He's a sensor, he must have felt Kakashi heading towards us. He should have just stopped and come back or something!"

Kakashi, who had been fighting three ninja at once, paused momentarily before disposing of the ninja with one well executed earth technique. Sakura was right. Where did Naruto go?

"Kakashi! There you are!" Gai rushed in to help the three out. "I was looking for you, my eternal rival! It's a most unyouthful situation!"

"What's up Gai?" Kakashi fought off another enemy ninja.

"Hokage-sama has been taken hostage! The Kazekage was Orochimaru in hiding.

They are facing off in the barrier up there!" With one massive punch Gai nailed ten different ninja all at once in one big sandwich.

Kakashi and Gai met back to back as they fought. "Hokage-sama? Orochimaru? Crap." Wait a minute...

Gai nodded.

"It's very unyouthful, but Hokage-sama has ordered all of us to stand firm and to suppress the invasion. He can handle himself."

...Wait a minute...Kakashi's brain gears clicked and shifted. Then a lightbulb dinged on. Naruto!



"Excuse me, but that person looks mighty like the history books, not that I ever looked at those, of course," a most annoying, and most unexpected voice carried over the rooftop over to the men who were facing off. "Am I supposed to be here? I feel like I just interrupted an entire chapter's worth of drama and seriousness.

"Sarutobi, Orochimaru, and the hokages whipped around to see a little blonde genin with whisker marks on his cheeks stroking his imaginary beard. Despite the dire situation, they couldn't help but sweatdrop at the sight.

Sarutobi felt his jaw slacken. "..No Naruto. You're not supposed to be here."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and laughed. "OOOOopsies!"

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