Team badass training lesson

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Sasuke's eyebrow twitched.


Sakura seriously contemplated whether there was a rock big enough in the world to hurl at the idiot.


Kakashi kept on reading his porn.


"Gaah!" Sasuke broke first. "For the last time, you cannot perform chidori! Stop making that constipated expression, you're going to burst a blood vessel."

"!" Naruto ignored him. He instead focused intently on his right palm, hoping to see crackling energy come into being.

Sakura finally lost it and grabbed the closest thing she could reach and threw it at the blonde's head. Unfortunately, as Sakura happened to be perched on top of a rather big boulder, with Kakashi leaning against it, what she had grabbed was Kakashi's hair.

When Naruto and Kakashi collided, Naruto shot a glare at Sakura. "Do you mind? I'm on my way to mastering the greatest jutsu that our teacher has to teach, the one and only, the original work of Hatake Kakashi, CHIDORI!"

"Yeah, the only problem is that you can't even produce lightning chakra, let alone master a high level technique like the chidori," Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Could you please stop wasting our time? We've only got a two weeks left you know."

Kakashi stood up and brushed off his clothes. He was used to their abuse by now. Right after he had taught Sasuke the chidori, said boy had wanted to find out if the bits of electrical charge coming off the sides could shock someone, so had "accidentally" zapped Kakashi out cold for a few hours.

Actually, Kakashi could have avoided that one, being an elite Jounin and all (cough cough), but then Naruto had to come around and grab onto his arms and legs begging to learn the technique too, even though he'd told all of them you need lightning element to ever learn the jutsu. Because Naruto was clinging onto him, Naruto was zapped as well, but the freakin kid had the Kyuubi, so recovered in an hour.

But then Sakura came around with the lunchboxes she picked up, saw Naruto unconscious on the ground, immediately thought Kakashi beat Naruto up, and so beat up poor Kakashi's limp and unconscious body until it was black and blue. When Kakashi woke up, he had wondered why he was feeling so sore.

But as a teacher, he couldn't just let them go off insubordinate. Hem hem. "Now, my dear students, the chidori isn't the only technique I can teach you. I have mastered over a thousand tech-"

Naruto screamed as evil Sasuke zapped him again, just with a weaker charge. "I hate you Sasuke!"

Sasuke grinned then looked over at Sakura. She shook a fist at him. "If you come closer-" She started screaming as Sasuke ran after her with his arms outstretched, lightning energy surrounding his skin.

Naruto turned back to his teacher. "So I really can't learn this thing?"

Kakashi flipped open his book. "Nope."

Naruto flapped his arms. "But my awesome melodramatic superhero Hokage senses are telling me this is a must-know tech!"

"Too bad."

Naruto cursed as Kakashi rummaged around his pockets and brought out a bookmark. "Now, Naruto, don't be so upset. You're already extremely advanced. I don't think you need any real training to get through the final exam."

"That's weak sauce!" Naruto exclaimed. "I don't just want to show how good I am, I want to show how supremely and ginormously and amazingly and fantastically outclassed everyone else is compared to me! That's how you make good impressions, you know. It's to let everyone know that I expect to be on the top ten list of potential future Hokages after this exam."

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