Shikamaru Nara VS Chouji Akimichi

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The leaf ninja went quiet, knowing this was going to be a tough battle. Not physically, but emotionally.

Shikamaru slapped his forehead. Of all people, why Chouji? Man, this was ridiculous. How was he supposed to fight his best friend? This was really troublesome, and his head was starting to hurt.

Asuma grunted and cleared his throat. "Well, I guess this means you guys have to get down there." He fixed his two male students with a awkward smile. "Remember, whatever you do, it doesn't stand against you. You guys are still good friends."

Chouji looked afraid and nervous. He wanted to be a Chuunin, but he didn't want to fight Shikamaru either. What should he do? Should he just give up?

Once the two boys were downstairs, Hayate raised his arm and called the match to begin.

Neither of the contestants moved.

"Um, begin?" Hayate repeated, unsure.

Shikamaru and Chouji just stared at each other for three full minutes. Hayate kept on trying to get a response out of them, but he was thoroughly ignored.

Finally, Chouji spoke up. "Hey, Shika, I know we're friends and all, but..let's do our best. No going easy on each other! Man to man!" He grinned and put a fist right over his heart.

Shikamaru grinned. His leisurely posture with his hands stuck inside his pockets, he stretched his neck and pulled out his hands, shifting into a stance. "I was hoping you'd say that. Come Chouji!"

"Irayaaaaaaah!" Chouji let out a deafening yell as he wove some seals and got fatter and fatter and fatter. Shocked to the core at the sudden bloating, Hayate jumped away to land safely behind the Hokage. Chouji jumped into the air, pulled his appendages in, then started twisting and rolling as one big ball. "MEATBALL Technique!"

"That's a useful technique. You can always count on Chouji to provide emergency food supply," Naruto commented. Sakura and Sasuke looked sick at the implication.

"That's the grossest thing I've ever heard," Sasuke bit out.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I was talking about his massive food storage, not his literal meat. You guys have dirty minds."

Not even bothering to answer him this time, the team turned back to focus on the match.

Chouji currently had Shikamaru on the run. He was chasing the Nara everywhere, rolling in crazy speeds, forcing Shikamaru to run faster than ever. Shikamaru finally leaped out of Chouji's way and ran underneath the second floor. Chouji howled, "That won't stop me!" and followed him.

Asuma sighed. "That was a really simple tactic. Why did Chouji fall for that?"

Shikamaru used the shadows under the second floor to completely ensnare Chouji from all sides. He had known that he couldn't put a stop to Chouji's roll with his own linear shadow, so he'd maneuvered Chouji here and surrounded him. A rather simple trick, really.

Chouji stopped spinning, and gradually reduced to his own size. He looked around with his eyeballs, and seeing how he was completely trapped, sighed, then grinned. "Great match, Shikamaru, though I didn't really do anything. I know you don't want to hurt me, so I'll just wish you luck in the finals. Great going, Shika." Before Shikamaru could protest, Chouji loudly announced that he was giving up, and Hayate called the match to an end.

At the show of friendship and sportsmanship, the other leaf ninja clapped.

The computer rolled again.

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