The Hidden Leaf Attached

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Far outside the Hidden Leaf Village, men dressed in tight leggings that showed off every curve of their legs and dalmatian print tops gathered to focus their chakra into the seal drawn onto the dirt ground. With eyes closed in concentration, the foreign ninja pushed forth their energies, calling their teammates from miles away.

Across countries, the rest of the Sound forces answered the call, disappearing in a poof of smoke. They appeared in the center of the sealing design. As more people joined them, they broke off into respective divisions and began their march down to Konoha..!

After Shikamaru and Temari's battle, Sasuke eyed Gaara over the corner of his eyes. So it's my turn, he thought. Finally. Naruto and Sakura were having too much fun. I'll take care of this guy and show just who it is that's coming out on top!

Gaara was eyeing Sasuke as well. Only his thoughts were a bit more macabre. Kill...kill...

The proctor motioned the two boys down. Sasuke jumped, landing with his usual flair, while Gaara disappeared in a whirl of sand and reappeared in the middle of the field.

"GOOOOO Sasuke!" Naruto whooped. "Sasuke! I meant to tell you this ages ago, but I guess I was a bit preoccupied with making fun of other people.

You know how much I like annoying people and pissing them off!" He shouted down to the field.

Sasuke had a tick mark on his face, as did Genma. The match was about to start, so what the hell was the kid doing?

Sasuke yelled, "You idiot! Hurry up and tell me so we can get on with the match!" Naruto smiled happily down at his friend.

"Okay, Sasuke! The thing is, I actually know Gaara's weakness! It''s...!"

"What, what?" Sasuke was pretty excited now. A weakness? That could work so well to his benefit!

"It's...!" Naruto paused dramatically. "Water! Sand is clogged by water! Haha isn't that great? Now all you have to do is pop our your resident water dragon and beat him up! Yeah!"

Sasuke felt a throbbing vein threatening to burst. IDIOT! I can't use water techniques! What the hell do you mean my 'resident water dragon?' Heck lot of help that was...Ugh next time I'm carrying a sealed tankful of water around with me at all times.

Genma coughed. "If we're done, then let's get on with the match." He raised a hand into the air and brought it down, "Gaara vs. Uchiha Sasuke, begin!"

Instantly Sasuke jumped far away, and good thing too. Gaara's sand had appeared out of nowhere and tried to clump down on him. He was quickly on the move again, as Gaara began hammering bullets of sand at him at sonic speeds. Dancing about, Sasuke quickly ran some ideas in his head. Fire wouldn't work...probably. Unless it was some ridiculously strong and hot fire that would melt his sand away. Could he even manage that level of technique? Well..he did sort of have his newfound kekkei genkai ability. A power he aptly named 'Enton'- Blaze Release. It did blaze like mad once he let it loose, but for him it was so easy to control it, despite its seeming volatility.

Since fire no longer hurt him at all (and he recently got himself some more excellent fireproof clothes including underwear and shoes, which he happened to be wearing right at that moment) he often liked to set his surroundings on fire and see how it fried all of Naruto's clones in a flash without backfiring on him..but this Gaara would need a very concentrated, dense attack, not a wide and spread out one.

Team Badass (A Naruto Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara