Gaara VS Rock Lee

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As the two Suna siblings expected, the match did not go very well.

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Gai's furious roar reverberated the building as Gaara mercilessly crushed Lee's arm and leg. Before an unconscious Lee could attempt to sleepfight Gaara, Gai stepped in and stopped the match.

Naruto jumped down to see Lee. He wasn't exactly Lee's friend, but Lee was a good guy, and a comrade of the Leaf village. How dare Gaara do this to him? It was just a preliminary battle!

"You," Naruto ground out, shooting daggers at Gaara with his sharp blue eyes, "None of us are going to forget what a coldhearted bastard you are, so you better get ready for the finals. I'm gonna pound some sense into you! You're absolutely psychotic! Get a grip!"

Gaara didn't look fazed. He started walking away when Naruto's next words ripped into him despite all the sand armor he had on him.

"Your attitude is precisely the reason why you don't have any friends, jackass."

Next battle was Kankuro Vs. Misumi. Kankuro won.

The battle between Ino and Dosu of the sound village was too pitiful to be mentioned. Ino was carried out of the building by a group of medic nin and her teacher palmed his face.

Shino beat up Zaku with his freaky cool bugs. Naruto nearly fainted when Shino brought out his "trump card." ("It's soooo cool! Shino's so cool!")

The last battle, Tenten VS. Temari was noted with sadness and cruelty. As the day ended, each representative from each village eyed the two teams that had managed to send in all of their members to the finals.

Team Suna, and Team Badass.

Everyone rushed out the door to begin training.

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