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“Ninety seven…Ninety eight…ninety nine….one hundred, stop!”

I came up and looked at coach Elias.

“That was impressive jack, straight one hundred pushups with no rest and you barely look fatigued,”

“Yea, coach, I could make more, easy.”

“You’re ready, you’re in peak physical form and your technique seems impeccable, this is physically the best Jack Carlisle there’s been for a while, and you’re forty years old…But, your body isn’t my concern…” he tapped the side of Jack’s head with his finger.

“I good coach, work stressful but I will show up mentally on Wednesday, doh worry.”

“You don’t have to convince me… if you aren’t alright bulldog will make you pay.”

“I’m undefeated for a reason.”

“ I know.”

  He looked me deep in the eyes, searching for doubt.

“Well jack, its Sunday, fight day is three days off, all your hard training is done, so you just have two more training sessions until the fight and we’re monitoring your vitals and weight, its ten am now, you’ve been here since six, go get some rest and heal up.”

“Okay coach, thanks.” I know there’s no rest for me today, I have business meetings after and tonight Karen leaves. I pick up my stuff and head to the shower.

The water turns on and I let it wash over me as the day starts sinking in. Karen is leaving later, I’ll be weeks without her… but that’s not what’s truly on my mind. I’ll be weeks with Alice alone in the house… what will that be like. Will we get along? Will things be awkward… guess I’ll find out. Truth is I’m afraid of the opposite, what if things go too well…
On the other hand, I'll have no distractions before the fight with karen gone.

   I pack my bag and leave the gym, today is going to be a full day. As I drive thoughts of Shevrakian start to enter my mind, he knows about my fighting but I don’t have to worry about him exposing it, it would hurt the company… but still he’s unpredictable and he has something on me, its not that serious but its still something he can twist. He’s after my entire company, he’s after everything I’ve worked for and I will not let him have it. I know he can become dangerous, but I've dealt with worse in my life. I have faith in myself. I have faith.

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