The fight (Part 2)

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The fight (Part 2)


Jack raises his fists and goes at Bulldog. The size difference is terrifying, Jack looks totally out matched.
They circle the octagon feeling each other out, it seems bulldog has some respect for Jack's skill level or else he'd have just charged in, he's smarter than he seems. Jack throws the first strike, a right high kick, which bulldog blocks with some effort, it makes a slapping sound as Jack's shin runs off bulldog's blocking arm, also known as his guard.

This isn't what we prepared for, bulldog is feeling Jack out, he's not rushing in, he's paying attention to Jack's movements and rhythm. Max realizes as well. "Coach, something's not right, why isn't bulldog rushing?"
I stay quiet with my eyes fixed on the match because I truly don't know. We Prepared for this as well but most of our efforts were in plan A. "Jack, plan B!" He hears me and pushes forward throwing out jabs, his hands are really fast, bulldog moves backward because he knows he isn't sharp enough to dodge Jack's punches, but jack backs him up to the cage and fires a right straight down the center clocking bulldog directly on the Jaw, bulldog is hurt, I can tell.

Jack swarms in unleashing punches. I see it before it happens, jack has made the mistake of getting to close, bulldog locks his arms around jack lifting him off his feet and slamming jack down on to the mat hard. This isn't good.


The slam against the canvas knocks the wind from me, I can barely raise my hands up to block the flurry of punches he begins to rain down, his fists feel like hammers, I can taste the weight behind each strike.

One catches me right across the jaw swinging my head to the side, I'm barely able to keep conscious, if he hits me with another one like that the referee may stop the fight. This js bad.

I push away from him and try to get up but I'm still dazed from the hard shot I took before, my body isn't co-operating well. He's so heavy and strong that I can't seem to get out from under him and the onslaught continues, weakening my resolve.

I look up at the clock and we're three minutes in to the round, each round is five minutes with a one minute break in between and we have three rounds to go, if it keeps up like this he'll finish me soon. I bite down on my mouth guard and time one of his punches, catching it and holding on to his arm, I use his arm as a lever and pull hard downward while twisting to my side, then I push up with my hips getting out from under him, it takes so much energy that between getting up and the punches I took, I'm exhausted when I get to my feet.

I back away from him because I'm drained of energy. Bulldog rushes in but my senses are there just enough to counter strike him with a hard punch to the jaw pushing him back.

Before I can reset myself though, bulldog rushes forward again this time I don't have time to throw a punch, he grabs on to me and effortlessly slams me on the ground again. sapping me of anything I had left, this is it, I raise my hands to block but he slams his fist in to my face, things go silent for a few seconds before I feel another to my face, my arms go numb and my legs as well, I'm slipping out of consciousness, I catch the referee out of the corner of my eyes coming in, he pulls bulldog off me, I'm sure that the fight is over...


The buzzer for the one minute break goes off just as the referee jumps in to stop the fight. Jack's still in there but this is really fucking bad. He almost got finished, max rushes in the ring to help jack up, he holds him as jack hobbles back to the stool, he is out of it when he sits down. I look in his eyes and he's barely there, we have one minute to get him back to his senses or we have to throw in the towel. "Jack, how many fingers do I have up?" he struggles to respond, I slap him on the face "Jack! Get a hold of yourself or I cannot let you back out there!"

"N...No, don't... I can do this."

His face starts to swell, I don't think I can send him back in there, he'll get killed. I look over to bulldog and he seems fresh, barely touched while Jack is like a zombie. I grab the towel but as I do, Jack grabs my hand.

"Elias...I can do this... trust me." I pause, I don't know what to do. The referee comes over "Fifteen seconds guys c'mon."
" me."
"Darn it jack. Okay."
Max helps Jack stand, Jack raises his fists and we leave the cage. I hope I made the right decision.

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