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I wake again, this time its morning, Tuesday morning to be exact. I feel my strength returning a little as well as my appetite but I'm still exhausted mentally and emotionally. There's a knock at my door,

"Alice?" Its Jack.
"Can I come in?"
, I'm in a mess but I need someone here, the last day was just too much. "Come in," My voice cracks, my throat is soar, probably from not drinking enough water or eating much. He comes in wearing sweat pants and a loose fitted t-shirt, something about him looks off. He seems gaunt, hard, like he's lost a lot of weight, I hadn't realized it before but he seems more tired, older even, it makes me wonder if he's okay. Maybe its from all of the work he's been doing, he's gone almost every day for a large part of the day, recently he's gone more than when I came.

He comes in with a food tray, breakfast is on it and it looks good. He sits on the edge of my bed and I sit up.
"hey, how'd you sleep?"

"A lot... I slept A lot" he smiles, even though he looks tired and drawn, he still somehow manages to look beautiful when he smiles.

"well that's good to hear... do you feel any better?"

I nod.

"Well here's breakfast, I noticed you didn't eat yesterday so I imagine you must be starving, have you spoken to your mother?"

"Yea, she's not really in the best place..."

"I know."

"Listen, Alice, everything will be okay, I promise, I'll take care of it..."

I look in to his beautiful brown eyes and I feel safe, my hand moves before my thoughts and rests om his hand.

"Thanks Jack."

We paused for a second looking at each other, then he broke eye contact and pulled away his hand, I pulled mine back as well, god there are so many emotions here right now I can't deal with them.

He gets up and rests the tray on the table next to my bed then comes back.

"Alice... I have to go out of town until tomorrow night... I know you may need me to stay with You but this is urgent."

My heart sinks, and I can't help but frown.

"Its okay..."

"Hey, I'm sorry okay, I wish I could stay can have someone over If that would help, the house will be under guard for those days and joseph will be one call away."


He seems genuinely sad that he can't stay but that still doesn't change my feelings. I'll live though. I'll call Laura to spend the night with me, I need the company.

He gets up and leaves, the room starts to look bigger and darker again, my appetite seems as far away as my mom now. I roll over and try to go back to sleep.

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