Chapter Three

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I quickly watered my plants, got dressed and put all my jewellery on. I was in rush, I had another dream/vision of the time I lost my family. I haven't had them since I found my mate's, what's happening?

I ran downstairs while somehow pulling my boots on at the same time, at least I'm not Bella and trip every chance I get. "What were you doing up there? Come on were late." Bella said, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

I huffed and slammed the door shut as I got into the truck, "Just thinking, about my past." I answered, Bella didn't say anything after that knowing it was a touchy subject. My whole past was a touchy subject.

We made it to school and it seemed everyone was talking about something. The Cullen weren't parked at their usual making me frown, Bella noticed to.

The bell went so we went to our first class.


Lunch rolled around and I sat with our friends since the Cullens still weren't here for whatever reason. Bella looked over to their table and saw that it was empty, when she turned back I gave her a smile making her smile back slightly but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Did you hear about the news?" Jess asked us, I zoned back in.

"Ah Jess, always the gossip girl. Anyway spill, what is it?" I asked her with interest.

"Theres two new girls, they started today." She said with a smile but I could see the jealousy on her face, "their apparently really pretty." She added even though it didn't really matter.

"Really, what's their names?" Mike asked, obviously he was gonna try to go after one of them, asshole.

"Um, I think Amanda and Arianna." Jess answered while nodding as if agreeing to herself.

"Is that them over there?" Eric asked, we all turned to the direction he pointed to and saw two girls looking around, they looked pretty overwhelmed.

"Yeah." Jess glared at them slightly but hid it with another smile. I rolled my eyes, shes such the jealous type.

"We should ask them to sit with us, they look lost." Ange said, looking at them with sympathy.

"Ange, you're too kind." I said making her smile. The girls walked by us, probably going to sit at the Cullen table.

"Are you two Amanda and Arianna?" Ange asked them, they looked at us with wide eyes. They must not get out much.

"Yeah, that's us." One of them said timidly.

"Wanna sit with us?" I asked, they looked at each other before sitting in the seats across from me. I smiled warmly at them, "I'm Violet."

"I'm Amanda and this is my sister, Arianna." The one with hazel eyes said, her sister had blue eyes. They were both brunettes and had tan skin. Jess was right, they were quite pretty.

"Where did you guys move from?" Mike asked them, leaning is to hear their answer like he was really interested. I rolled my eyes and huffed at the boy who only seemed seemed to care about girls while Jess slapped him hard on the side of the head.

"Um, we came from Phoenix." Amanda answered shyly.

"Really? so did my sister and I, I'm surprised I haven't seen you around." I told them with a frown, they must have gone to a different school.

"We were home schooled, actually." Arianna spoke before sinking back into her chair from the amount of attention she was getting. Bella stayed quiet throughout all of this.

"Well, its good to see some new faces around. Isn't that right guys?" I said to everyone making them nod and speak in agreement.


I was in last period when I felt my phone vibrate, I discreetly look down and read the text from Emmett.

'Can you come over after school? There's something we have to tell you.' It read, I frowned in confusion and writt back to him.

'Ok, I'll see you soon.' I sent it and placed it back in my lap. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3:11, four more minutes. My foot tapped against the ground as I waited impatiently for the bell.

"Remember we have a test tomorrow, be ready." The teacher said before the bell went, I quickly grabbed my bag and was the first one out of there. I roamed the halls looking for Bella and found her just leaving the bathroom.

"Bells, I have to go to the Cullens house, I'll see you later." I said and walked down the hall.

"Why?" She called to me.

"I don't know." I said back truthfully. I walked into the parking lot, weaving through students and cars. I walked into the woods and then ran towards the Cullens household.

I barged in through the front door and went upstairs. Everyone was either standing or sitting in the living except Edward.

"Whats going on?" I asked breathlessly, I knew this was going to be bad.

"We have to leave, Violet." Esme answered me, she came over and grabbed my hand while looking at me with sympathy.

"Why?" I looked at all of them.

"Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older then he looks." Rose said, her arms were crossed and she had a frown etched onto her face.

"So, where does this leave me?" I was asking so many questions but I had to know.

"You're coming with us." Alice got up and grabbed my arm, "we can't live without you, you know that."

"And Bella?" Carlisle sighed and looked down, I narrowed my eyes at this.

"She can't, after the incident with Jasper and James. It's too dangerous for her, Edward doesn't want to change her and I can understand why." He explained, I glared at all of them.

"You expect me to leave my sister and never see her again?" No one said anything, I scoffed, "you're all insane if you think that's happening." I told them.

"Violet, please." Jasper begged, trying to use his power to stop me from arguing against them.

"No! You can't control my emotions. I'm stronger, remember? I'm not going with you." They all grimaced as I said this but I didn't care right now.

"We can't make her go." Carlisle said, "she's our queen...and my stubborn sister." He smiled and hugged me, I sighed and melted into his arms.

"We'll see her again, one day." Esme said, I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry my loves, but it has to be this way. Bella will need me more than ever right now." I said sadly. They nodded and we group hugged all lovey dovey like. I was never one for love until I met them, they melted my cold heart.

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