Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry my chapters are getting really bad and sloppy but I'm trying. Thanks for the support, means a lot and sorry for not updating. Love you guys💙


The next day I went back to Sam's house at a time I knew they would all be awake. I only went home to check on Bella, she was upset when she came home, I could feel it. I didn't ask her what was wrong as I had a pretty good idea but I tried to comfort even if she didn't let me.

I walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast, "Jake will be coming with us for a patrol of the woods." Sam explained to the boys, they all nodded while Paul just rolled his eyes in annoyance making me smack him up side the head.

"Where's Nate?" I asked them as Paul glared at me while rubbing the back of his head.

"In his room, ain't feeling good today." Emily answered as she walked into the room. I frowned and walked to his room, I opened the door and saw him lying with his back to the door.

I crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame, "what's wrong?" I asked knowing he could hear me.

"I'm sick." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I rolled my eyes and walked over to his bed.

"I know that." I sat on the bed, "but what are you sick with?" He rolled over and I could see how terrible he looked, I pressed my hand against his forehead and he seemed to like the coldness of my skin.

"I don't know. Emily says I have the flu." He said with a croaky voice, ew he is sick.

"Hungry?" He nodded so I got up to go get him some food, which so happened to be bacon and eggs, his favourite. How convenient for him, "I need an order of eggs and bacon with hash browns cooked to perfection because my baby is sick." I clapped after I ordered what I wanted. Emily laughed and handed me the food already dished up.

"I don't know if it's perfection but it's pretty damn close." She said with grin.

I pointed at her with narrowed eyes, "that was bad word, there are kids we must think about." I warned jokingly making the boys shout at me with protest as I walked out of the room with a smirk. "Here ya are honey, eat up." I told him and placed the plate on his lap, he quickly sat up and scoffed it down, "I'll be in the other room." I said with a laugh.

"Violets sister will figure it out." I heard Paul say from the other room making me growl with annoyance.

"Talking about my sister? Why?" I asked with crossed arms.

"Were just saying she'll figure it out. She already figured you and the Cullens out." Jared explained with a shrug, I sighed and sat in a chair.

"I know and seriously, I'm not ready for the amount of unnecessary comments she will say to make me feel guilty." I say truthfully, she will literally go to lengths to make me feel bad for what I do. I mean I love my sis and all but come on, that's just cold. I literally raised her from a fetus into the clumsy tween-I mean young adult she is today, show your elders some respect.

"Alright, time to get the wimp." I smacked Paul upside the head again and followed them out the door.

"You comin'?" Embry asked as they all took their pants off, gross. At least they keep their boxers on.

"Yep, gotta meet the new pack member. And since you were all dicks last time I don't want to leave him alone with you." I explained with a smile. They all huffed and shifted into their wolves, "bye Emily!" I yelled and ran off with the boy's towards Billy's house which I remembered where it was.

I ran along side Sam who was, of course, leading the pack. It's weird how a vampire is running with wolves when they're enemies, the Cullen's would definitely not approve even though they know they wouldn't have a say in how I lived my immortal life when I'm much older then all of them. Jake will be confused as well now that he knows the legends, he just doesn't know the new legend of Anastasia, told by Nathan's wacky grandfather.

As we got close to Billy and Jake's house the boy's shifted while I stood back not wanting to see...anything. I blew hair away from my face and looked up towards the sky, I felt light raindrops sprinkle down onto my skin. I smile as the rain got heavier by the second and was soon soaking through my skin.

"Let's go." I heard Jared say, he grabbed my arm and lead me through the trees to the tree line where we could see Jake and Bella?

"Crap!" I said loudly and hid behind Sam, I peaked over his shoulder seeing the two talking. Please don't notice me. Why did she have to show up on this day to have one of those movies moments where the girl talks to the guy sadly in the rain? Ya know, the depressed kind.

Jake definitely changed. He cut his hair short and he's, well, he's shirtless of course, why wouldn't he be? Bella looks the same, cold and pale, yet she's not a vampire, weird.

"Jacob!" Sam yelled to him and waved him over.

I glared at him, "really?" He simply shrugged and waited for the boy. Jake and Bella looked towards us making me quickly duck my head so she wouldn't see me.

"Wh-what's Violet doing with them?" Bella asked Jake, shit.

"Look, I don't know, I just. We can't be friends, alright? It'll be better for both of us." He answered. Dick move, I'm gonna slap him for that. That's exactly what Edward did and I still haven't forgiven him. I looked up again seeing Jake running towards us leaving a depressed Bella behind. The boy's all left but I stayed awhile looking at her, she frowned. I just sighed and followed the wolves. It was only a matter of time.

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