Chapter Four

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I was walking home in the dark, no light to show me the way but I didn't mind. I couldn't believe I would never see my mate's again, what will life be like?

I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I pulled it out and the screen lit up with a picture of dad with an awkward face. I answered it, "hello?"

"Violet, Bella's missing." He said quickly, his voice laced with panic.

"I'll be right there." I said before hanging up and sprinting home, I stopped a few metres away from my house and saw a lot of people outside with cars.

"Dad!" I called when I got over to everyone.

"Violet." Dad hugged me.

"Where is she?" I asked him, he sighed.

"We don't know, she's somewhere in the woods." He answered, I looked at him with worry, "but they're searching, they'll find her. They have to." He said, I breathed out and waited by his side.

"Violet, hey." Jake ran over, worrying about Bella as well.

"Hey Jake." I said, I kept my eyes trained on the woods. She had to be alright or I would never forgive myself, or Edward for that matter. Dad talked to his hunting buddy, I never got his name.

I then saw something emerge from the forest, or someone. "Charlie." Jake called, when I saw that it was Bella in that alphas arms I ran over to them with dad close behind.

"Bella. Honey." I moved some some her hair out her face. She looked dazed and tired, tear streaks were on her cheeks making her just look so drained.

"Shes alright." The alpha said loudly. He handed Bella over to dad who looked very relieved for his daughter's safety as was I for my sister.

"Thank you, Sam." Dad said. Sam? So that was his name. Dad walked away with Bella in his arms.

"Yes, thank you, Sam." I said, he nodded and looked behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jake. "How long has he got left?" I asked.

"A few months tops." He answered.

"He's a good boy, don't let him turn into anything he's not." I told him before walking after dad.


The next day, Bella was...not herself. She's depressed, all because of Edward. I clasped my rose necklace around my neck where my Angel necklace was placed as well, and went into her room, I sat next to her sleeping form.

"Bells, its time to wake up." I shook her softly, she groaned.

"Can't I stay home?" She asked with closed eyes.

"I guess so, I'll tell dad. Love you, baby." I kissed her forehead and got up to leave.

"Love you too, Vi." She said back half asleep, I looked back at her and smiled sadly. She won't be able to fight this sadness until he's back.

Walking downstairs I saw dad reading the newspaper while drinking his coffee, I kiss him on the cheek, "morning daddy." I say.

"Morning, beauty. How is she?" He asked, he put his newspaper down and looked at me.

"Still sad and tired, she's gonna stay home." I said, he nodded. "I'll see ya after school." I grabbed the keys from the fruit bowl and went outside.


I walked over to my table and saw Amanda and Arianna already sitting there, "hey guys." I greeted.

"Violet, I'm totally jealous of your style." Jess said making me chuckle.

"How's Bella?" Ange asked, worried about her of course.

"She's doing fine, just a bit tired so she stayed home." I answered, leaving out the part of her being slightly depressed.

"What happened." Arianna asked, looking around the table for answers.

"Her sister got lost in the woods and one of the rez kids had to save her." Mike said making me glare daggers at him.

"Mike. Shut up." I told him, he raised his hands in mock surrender, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, sorry." Amanda said awkwardly.

"Its alright, honey. She's back now." I looked out the window and watched the rain paint the window with its beautiful rythem. The sight and sound took away most of my stress and I just relished the feeling in that moment.

I don't know how long I sat there like that for but I was enjoying it until I saw something in the trees, it moved around them and made the bushes shake. I saw black or dark brown fur, or that's what I thought. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Narrowing my eyes I saw glowing eyes, golden eyes but they weren't vampire like.

I felt the eyes stare at me, bore into the side of my head as I looked away. It didn't make me uncomfortable or scared but I was curious to what it was. In my mind it seemed like a shape shifter but why would they be watching me? They want to kill me.

I shook my thoughts off and zoned back into my friends conversation, its probably nothing anyway.

"So you two don't have a boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes once again at Mike.

"You're making them uncomfortable, Mike. Take that shit somewhere else." I told him, I saw the girls smile slightly and the others laughed while Mike just turned red. Sometimes my friends could tack my mind off of things but not all the time. I wonder how Bella is doing right now, I wanna be home, taking care of her like I used to. She also needs to think about something other than Edward but that's gonna take some time and effort.

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