Chapter Nineteen

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I let out a heavy sigh and turn around to Bella who just so happens to be walking away from me, "Bella!" I yelled and ran up to her. She keeps walking not looking me in the eye, "Isabella." She cringed when I said her full name and stopped but didn't face me.

"What?" She asked with no emotion to her voice.

"Don't give me that crap. Don't make me feel like I'm the one in the wrong because right now you are." I told her angrily, she rolled her eyes like a child making me even angrier.

"How?" This time she looked at me with frustration.

"You decide to go for a nice walk in the woods alone. And then you say I'm cheating on my mate's, I can't bel-"

"I didn't say you were cheating." She tried to reason.

"But you meant that. I know I'm spending a lot of time with Sam but you can't just outright say shit like that. Talk to me next time." I tell her, my chest rising and falling needlessly other then to make me look more angry.

"I couldn't, you're never home. Your supposed to be there for me." She looks down but I don't feel bad for her for some reason, maybe it's because she's turning into a little brat.

"I can't read your mind, Bella!" I yell suddenly, "you have to come to me because I don't know what you want, and I'm your sister not your mother." I can't believe her right now, is she thinking before she's talking?

"Your not my real sister! Your not even apart of our family, your adopted. I bet you were the one to drive the Cullens away!" After she realizes what she said she gasped and covered her mouth. I looked away not wanting to keep this argument up anymore. She took her hand away from her face as she stared at my shocked expression, "I'm sorry." She whispered with tears in her eyes that were ready to fall.

I closed my mouth, the venom in my eyes stinging. I shook my head letting out a shaky breath, "no you're not." I told her, giving her a look of pure sadness. "Let's go home. I'll be staying at Sams house tonight." I mumbled with a broken voice and walked past her, bumping my shoulder against her lightly as I walked past.

We didn't say a word to each other the whole way back and it was awkward as hell. I know she didn't mean it but it did hurt me even if I didn't show much of it. I didn't drive the Cullens away, did I?


After I walked Bella back I ran down to the beach, it was windy but I didn't care. I walked for a bit on the shore before sitting down on the soft sand to watch the waves crash against the ground. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on my hands. I smelt the sea water and felt cool wind brush against my cheeks as if trying to comfort me.

"Rough day?" I heard someone ask as they sat next me, I looked to my left and saw Embry sitting there looking out to the ocean.

"Yeah, you?" I ask him, he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, wanna talk about it?" He copies me and brings his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them.

I chuckled coldly, "well, Bella just told me I'm not apart of the family and that I'm cheating on my mate's." I vaguely explained.

"Harsh." I nodded in agreement, "Emily just made me do the dishes." He said, there was a moment of silent before we both burst out laughing.

"Rough day indeed." I said when we had finished laughing.

"Uh huh, she'll come around. She's just jealous you've got so many hot guy friends, especially this guy." He pointed to himself making me chuckle. We both look back to the ocean and see it was getting darker.

"I'm glad we're friends Embry." I tell him honestly.

"Same, although I didn't really have a choice." He shrugs, I push him playfully.

"No you didn't, your stuck with me." I smile.

"Hey guys." Jared pops up and sits on my left with a grin, "whatcha talkin' about?"

"How ugly you are." Embry says calmly but jokingly.

"Oh really?" Jared asked with a playful glare, Embry nodded with a cheeky smile, "you're dead, you know I'm beautiful." The two boys then start play fighting in the sand making it fly everywhere.

"You're getting it in my hair." I squel at them and use the wind to blow it back in there face, they both stop and spit out a little sand, I laugh.

"Dog pile!" They both suddenly jump on me making me huff.

"You two are so annoying." I sigh, they laugh.

"But were amazing, right mum?" They ask jokingly, I look at them seriously.

"No." They groan and roll off of me.

"We should get back, you staying?" Jared asked me.

"Of course." We all get up and start walking to the house, walking soon turned into racing and like always, I won.

A/N: Sorry it's short. I hope this satisfies your need for drama and you wanting Violet to yell at Bella. Love you guys.

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