Chapter Seven

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One Month Later
14th of October

I walked into Sam's house and saw Nathan sitting at the table eating breakfast. I frowned, Sam can't cook.

"Hello, you must be Violet." A feminine voice said, I looked up and saw and tan woman with brown eyes.

"Hi, who are you?" I asked while waving slightly. Sam came in through the door with a smile, how rare.

"Anastasia, this is my mate, Emily." He said and kissed her cheek.

I smiled happily, "that's great, I'm so happy for you, Sammy." I said, I gave Emily a friendly hug and she returned it. I sat next to Nathan at the table, "hey babe, how are you?" I asked.

"Good." He said with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Hun, you know I don't like you doing that. Close your mouth while you eat." I said sternly.

"You asked me a question." He shrugged, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school? People are gonna ask questions." Sam said, I waved my hand dismissively.

"Oh well, I wanted to see Nate." I said, Nathan smiled and went back to eating like a pig.

"Ah huh. How's Bella?" Sam asked and sat next to me.

"The same. Night terrors are getting worse." I sighed as I watched Nathan eat, I wonder what pancakes taste like. Should I eat one? No! I can't, disgusting flat things.

Emily brought over another plate of the weird flat, squishy things humans call pancakes. Haha, I sound like an alien.

"Stop making disgusted faces at my mate's cooking." Sam glared at me, Emily and Nathan laughed.

I smiled, "sorry, not really my fault." I shrugged with my arms still crossed. I haven't eaten food in centuries, I couldn't even imagine the taste.

"Thank you, Emily." Nathan said as he finished eating.

"Oh good, you're learning." I smiled making him glare at me, "now be a good boy and take your dishes to the sink." I said, he rolled his eyes and got up.

"It's alright, I'll take it." Emily said grabbing the plate.

"No he should do it. You cooked, you don't need to clean, my dear." I told her, Sam smiled slightly, "I saw that." I sang.

"I see you're turning into a real mother figure for him." He smirked.

"Yeah, and she can be real annoying too." Nathan groaned while rinsing his plate in the sink. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his behaviour.

"You're one to talk." I told him. I grabbed my purse and stood up, "I should really be going anyway, can't be away from Bella to long without something happening." I sighed, we said bye and I got back into the truck.


It was the end of school and I really needed to hunt, my eyes were black and I felt drained. I rubbed my eyes and rested my elbow on the car door.

"You alright?" Bella asked quietly. I looked at her, seeing how sick she looks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just need to go out tonight." I answered as I pulled up into the driveway, "I'll see you in an hour or two." I said and ran into the woods.

Instead of finding a deer though, I found Paul, at least I think it was Paul. Oh, who gives a shit? "What?" I asked, not wanting to have an argument with the wolf who had major anger issues.

"Sam is wrong about you." Was all he said, I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

"Yeah well, I'm not happy about this either." I told him truthfully.

"Why does he trust you? He's beginning to trust you more then his own beta. Anastasia said this, Anastasia said that. Your lying about your name too?" He asked angrily, I sighed and stopped in my tracks.

"I lied for my protection and my family's." I answered but he scoffed, walking around me and stood in front of with a glare.

"Thats a load of bullshit. You bloodsuckers are all alike." He accused, I hummed in response wanting to get this over and done with so I could hunt. "You don't even care about that Nathan kid or whatever his name is, the little shit."

I growled at him loudly, "don't you dare bring Nathan into this. You just want me to get angry so you can kill me. Well guess what, it ain't gonna work. I stopped killing innocent people a long time ago." I said, he shook his head.

"Thats fine, I'll just kill you anyway. No ones gonna miss you, except maybe your little sister. Who, let's face it, you treat more like a baby then an adult." He sneered at me and stepped towards me but before he could move one more muscle a loud growl came from behind him making him freeze. I looked over his shoulder and saw the black fur I knew all to well.

"Shit." Paul whispered to himself.

"I suggest you get out of here, unless you want to be mauled by your own alpha." I said in his face, he glared at me before running off in the other direction. I looked at the wolf before me, "thank you, Sam." I said, he bowed his head and followed after Paul.

I sighed and did what I came in here for, hunt. Before that dick had to ruin it for me by being, well, a dick. Dick.

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