Chapter Thirteen

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Over the next few days Bella had come more out of her depression because of her hanging out with Jake, but I knew it wouldn't last. Jake's going to turn into something he hates, something he doesn't understand. One of Sam's followers.

I was at Sam and Emily's house, like almost everyday. The guys ate their breakfast that I helped make with Em. The pigs.

"Were gonna go cliff diving, you wanna come, Vi?" Jared asked me as I set the last plate of sandwiches onto the table.

"Yeah, sure. Sounds fun, you comin' Em?" I asked.

"I guess, but I'm only watching." She crossed her arms, we laughed and I quickly grabbed my phone from the counter and followed the boys out. How the hell did they eat all those sandwiches in a matter of minutes? Nathan trailed behind the boys, I smiled. He's so cute.

All the guys took their shorts off making me roll my eyes and look away, "oh come on, Vi. You know you like what you see." Paul smirked. Paul and I's relationship has gotten better since he knows his imprint is my friend and all, at least he doesn't hate me anymore.

"In your dreams, hothead." I told him, he glared at me and phased into his wolf in front of me. I smiled, "aw, you're so cute." I rubbed in between his ears making him growl but give in, haha he loves me. The rest of the boys phased and Emily got onto Sam's back, Nathan got on Jared, "I'll walk." I said. Paul rolled his eyes and motioned with his big head to his back, I raised an eyebrow but huffed and got on anyway. This is new, he must have been around Amanda not long ago, would explain his good mood.

They all ran into the trees and to a very high cliff, I jumped off the wolf and looked down. It was quite calm down below but still dangerous. It was also very windy making my hair blow behind me.

"Pretty high, huh?" Jared walked over to my side and looked down, I nodded with a grin.

"Looks fun." I turned around and saw Nathan, "you're not jumping off here, you can go down lower." I said sternly making his smile falter.

"But mum." He whined to which everyone laughed at as he acted like a kid.

"No buts, mister." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at the teenager but couldn't help smile at the childish boy.

"Who's first?" Sam smirked at everyone, we all turned to Jared...for some strange reason.

"No. Why do I have to go first?" He asked, I rolled my eyes and watched the boys with amusement.

"You scared?" Paul said matching Sam's smirk, Jared shook his head with his hands up.

"No." He said, I laughed and pointed at him.

"Get him!" I yelled and watched as Embry, Paul and Sam grabbed him and pushed him over the edge. Jared screamed with enjoyment as I watched him dive into the water below. Seems like such a rush.

"Woohoo!" Embry yelled as he jumped off the edge. I moved the hair out of my face as it blew in the wind.

"You're up, your royalness." Paul mocked, I rolled my eyes and gave my phone and jewellery to Em who stood back in the trees. I smiled and ran to the edge, flipping over and down. I held my arms out in front of me waiting for the splash of the water. I felt the rush of adrenalin yet I felt calm, the wind whipped past my face and my eyes stung. I hit the water in the span of a minute, the water pooling around me. I took in a breath needlessly in the water and looked around the darkness of the water, I smiled and swam back to the shore.

"That was amazing." I told the boys with a grin, they both nodded and saw Paul jump off.

"Yeah, good way to pass the time." Jared shrugged, I shook my head with amusement and started walking back up to the top of the cliff.

"Are you done making me worried?" Em asked when she saw me, I chuckled and put my arm around her, she squealed and ran away from me, "No, you're wet." I wiggled my eyebrows making her roll her eyes with a smile.

"I can't believe you won't let me jump." Nathan whined.

"You can jump. Just from a lower point." I said, he sighed and walked back into the trees probably to find somewhere to jump off, "don't do anything stupid!" I called, I heard him grumble something but I payed no mind.

"Somehing wrong with, Nate?" Em asked while watching her mate jump off the edge.

I shrugged, "probably just teen angst finally building up, he is 16 now." I answered, "or maybe he's turning into a puppy." I looked at Em for a moment before we both laughed it off. It can't be possible, or can it?

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