Chapter Twenty

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The next morning I watched the sun rose from behind the trees, I had a feeling I wouldn't like what was coming today. It wasn't something dangerous but I just had a feeling.

I sat outside on the deck and watched as the wind picked up the fallen leaves and carried them away to a different place to rest. It was cloudy as usual but everything was still beautiful out in the forest. I smelt the eggs and bacon cooking on the stove inside, I felt the breeze caress my skin and let me relax to the sound of birds chirping in the distance. You would love the forest to if you ever pictured it like this.

I sigh and rest my chin in my hands, I just wish I had one day that I could really relax instead of being thrown into drama every chance I get. I'm like a magnet, just like Bella's a magnet for danger. I feel like I'm the one creating it but I can't be sure.

"Breakfasts ready." I heard Emily call to the boy's from inside, I smiled as I heard them all rush to the table for their food, another day in the house of werewolves.

"Whats wrong with Violet?" Jared asked his friends, I thought it was nice that he asked about me, at least the boy's somewhat care about me.

"I don't know." Embry answered before anyone else could, he knew what was wrong and I mentally thank him for not saying anything, he understands.

I'm still thinking about what happened yesterday, I wonder if Bella's bearing herself up about it. She needs to learn her lesson though, she can't just say crap like that to anyone, especially her sister who raised her just as much as her parents did.

My thoughts wondered to the Cullens and I don't know how, I wondered if they were doing alright. The last time I talked to them was months ago and that was only Alice because she was getting fed up with me not answering any of them, she always was the one to take charge. Now they barely text me at all knowing I won't reply, they sometimes text me as if I was dead, telling me how they missed me and how everything was so hard without me, it hurt me but I thought it was for the best. I'm so stupid.

I didn't realise how long I thought for but the boy's walking outside was what snapped me out of it. I looked up to them as they all piled out of the door, "we're gonna go see Jake, you comin'?" Sam asked me, I shook my head with a slight smile. They all returned my smile and got ready to shift and leave.

"Be safe." I called to them getting a weird feeling as they left, something was going to happen and I wasn't going to like it. I stood up, pulling my skirt down just in case and walked inside to see Emily cleaning up.

"Hey hun, how you feelin'?" She asked sweetly as she usually would.

"Alright." I responded pulling my cardigan further around my body, "where's Nate?"

"Still in bed, he's actually getting worse. I'm worried." She said and stopped wiping the bench to look up at me with concern for the younger boy.

I sighed and cast my eyes to the ground, I was worried too. It seemed he was getting worse and worse with each day, I thought you were supposed to get better, "I'll go check on him." She nodded and I made my way to his room, I opened the door and felt the heat pool in around my body and out the door. It was dark and stuffy in here making me walk over to the window and open the curtains to let the light shine through, I opened the window and let the cool breeze in.

There was a groan from behind me and I turned around to see a sickly pale looking Nathan, "it's to bright." He whined with a croaky voice.

"You need a little sun, your starting to look like me." I said and walked over to sit next to him.

"What, a vampire?" He asked with a bit of sass, I chuckled and nodded as I adjusted his pillow behind his head.

"Yes, you look horrible." I said bluntly, he rolled his eyes and soon began coughing up a storm, "how do you feel?" I asked wanting to know what he really has, it can't be a simple flu, he's been sick for days.

"Like shit." He answered, "I have a headache, my throat is sore, I feel weak and it hurts whenever someone touches my skin, and I feel worse everyday." That did sound like a flu but what it if wasn't? I hope he can get over it soon so he can go back to being a normal teenage boy who lives with werewolves and has a vampire as an adoptive mother. I would never forgive myself if something we're to ever happen to him, I couldn't.

"Just sounds like the flu to me, you'll hopefully get better in no time." I told him, he smiled slightly and his eyes started to droop, "get some sleep, sleep through this." I pulled the cover over him and bent down to kiss his forehead which was covered in sweat but I didn't say anything and left the room, closing the door behind me.

With time he will get better, he just has to sleep through it. He'll be better tomorrow, I hope anyway.

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