Chapter Twenty Four

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Jake and I enter the house to make sure Bella was alright, Jake standing in front of me almost protectively.

"Jake who?" I heard Alice ask, Alice? Why is she here?

"Jake's kind of a werewolf." Bella answered hesitantly.

"Oh, Bella, werewolves aren't good company to keep." She told her, I chuckled slightly making Jake glare at me.

"Speak for yourself." Jake said making an appearance into the room, I peaked over his shoulder and saw Alice standing up and glaring at him. "I had to make sure you were safe." He said to Bella, gross.

"I thought you couldn't protect me here." She said with confusion.

"I guess I don't care." He answered.

"Well I'm not going to hurt her." Alice said, I'm actually invisible right now.

"Hello, I'm here too." I said raising a hand and making everyone's attention turn to me.

"Violet?" Alice stepped forward towards me but Jake growled and stepped in her way, Alice frowned and soon glared harshly at him. "What is going on?" She asked. Jake just kept growling at her making me surprised.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Jake your not helping, she's one of my mate's." I tried to calm him down. This was new, he hasn't done this before.

"That's close enough leech." Jake hissed out, my eyes widened. What the hell's going on?

"Isn't Violet a leech to?" Bella spoke through the tension, I glared at her but she just shrugged making me roll my eyes.

"She's my mate." Alice hissed back, oh god here we go again.

"Okay, I think we all just need to calm down." I said, Bella stood up and nodded vigorously.

"Violet, why is this mutt protecting you? that should be your mates jobs." Alice asked me, I groaned. "Don't tell me I was right on him imprinting on you."

"No, of course not. It's complicated alright." I tried to find the right words but couldn't think of any, this is harder then I thought it would be.

Alice scoffed, "everything's complicated when it comes to you apparently."

I raised an eyebrow, "I'm trying to help things by calming them down, so would you help things as well and calm the hell down yourself?" I said.

"Yeah, this isn't about you." Jake said taking my side but also his own, "this is about that bloodsucker going after Bella."

"Victoria?" Alice asked calming down for once.

"Yeah, Victoria been around." Bella spoke anxiously.

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you being pulled out of the water because of this mutt. And I couldn't see Violet at all because she's been surrounded by them this whole time! I can't believe you!" She yelled at me.

"Don't yell at her!" Jake yelled back angrily.

"Hey stop, stop, stop." Bella said pushing him back, I grabbed his arm as well just to make sure he wouldn't do anything to my mate.

Alice huffed, "I'll give you a minute." She walked out of the room and left us to calm the dog down.

"Hey wait." Bella called to her, "your not going anywhere right? Your coming back, right?"

"As soon as you put the dog out." She hissed.

"Are there anymore?" Jake asked, "how many Cullens are there and how long are they staying?"

"No, just Alice and she can stay as long as she wants." Bella answered.

"What the hell was that Jake?" I asked making him face me.

"What?" He asked.

"You growling at Alice like she was a threat." I said wanting to know why he was acting so weird.

"She is a threat. I don't know what made me want to protect you but I had to, you are apparently our queen as much as I hate it. And we have to protect our queen." He said very seriously. I looked at him with a frown, what a speech.

The phone suddenly rang and Jake went over to answer it angrily, "Swan residence...he's not here right now, he's arranging a funeral." He slammed the phone back down, I looked at him questionably.

"Who was that?" Bella asked what I was thinking.

"Always in the way." Jake mumbled to himself.

"Who was that?" She asked again.

"Bella step back." I said as he was getting more angry by the minute.

"Jake, who was that?" She persisted not listening to me as usual. Alice walked into the room with concern written on her face.

"Bella. Bella it's Edward, he thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here." She explained, why did she tell him? Such a bad move.

"Why would you..? Why didn't you let me speak to him?" She asked him frantically.

"He didn't ask for you." He answered.

"I don't care!" Bella yelled.

"Why didn't you let me speak to him?" I asked, angry that he wouldn't let me speak to my brother in law.

"Bella, Violet, he's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too." Alice rushed out quickly.

"What?!" I screamed in her face, I ran outside with Bella right on my heels, "Alice, your driving, get in!" I sat in the front seat my leg bouncing impatiently.

"He left you Bella. He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Jake said leaning through her window.

"Jake, shut up." I said loudly from the front seat. Alice just sat there calmly as if her brother wasn't going to commit suicide. My brothers better not let him.

"We're not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt." Bella told him and I agreed.

"What about your dad?"

"We're 18, well I am at least. We're legally free to go. And I left a note." When? I didn't see a note.

"Please. Just stay. For Charlie. For me." He pleaded using those god damn puppy eyes.

"We have to go, Jake." I told him softly hoping he would just let us go.

"You can't leave us. I'm begging you. Please."

"Goodbye Jacob."

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