Chapter Ten

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"Where is she?" Paul asked, he breathed rapidly and his heartbeat was fast. Jared stood behind him calmly, the exact opposite from Paul.

"Paul? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him but was ignored. Sam woke up and looked at Paul with a glare.

"Where's who?" Sam asked angrily, now standing and looked like he was ready to attack Paul to protect everything he had.

"Amanda, I know she's here." He said and went to walk past us but I pushed him back, he slapped my hand away from his chest and glared at me.

"She doesn't want to see you. She says you're stalking her." I told him as I crossed my arms.

"Look, its not like that. You know I can't be away from her." He said, calming down which was a first.

"Paul, you need to leave." Sam demanded, and he would've listened if it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to see Amanda.

"I deserve to see my mate!" He yelled at us, Jared walked over and grabbed his arm as if holding him back from lashing out at us.

"Shut up." I said quietly, "Emily needs to rest." They both look at me with confusion.

"What happened to Emily?" Jared asked Sam.

He sighed, "I...attacked her, left a few cuts." He tried to explain but resulted in doing a horrible job. The boy's looked at us shocked and I understood why.

"You attacked her? Is she ok?" This time Jared asked me, I nodded.

"She's better but you need to go, or Paul just needs to calm down." I told them, "I'll bring her out if you just shut up, maybe you can talk about this. She already knows Sam's a shifter." I explained to Paul. He sat down on the couch and nodded.

"Ok, I want to see her." He said looking at me calmly.

"Good, that's better." I walked down the hall and into Nathan's room. Amanda and Arianna slept on the airbed on the ground, I crouched down infront of Amanda and shook her awake.

"Amanda." I whispered, "someone wants to see you." She looked at me still half asleep, she slowly gets out of bed in shorts and a tank top, "yeah, let's just cover you up a bit. Don't want horny werewolves looking at you too much." I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulder before leading her into the living room.

Amanda rubbed her eyes and squinted from the brightness of the room, "Paul?" She asked when her vision cleared. Paul got up from his seat and walked towards her fast making Amanda take a step back.

"Paul, you need to do this slowly." I said, "she doesn't know." I walked over to Sam and Jared who were just watching them, "we should probably give them some privacy." I said while sitting next to Sam and keeping my eyes on Paul and Amanda.

"Yeah, probably." Jared said before we just watched them talk.

"Aw, weird romance stuff." I smiled at them as they talked to each other awkwardly.

"You're in love too, I can feel it." Sam said, I could just see him smirking.

I waved my hand dismisivly but never once looked away from the love birds before me, "oh stop with your werewolfy crap, you feel all my feelings." I said which made him chuckle.

"Yes, and its very annoying." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, you know you're my best friend." I said and got up, "I'm gonna go check on Emily." I walked to her room and opened the door. I sat next to her and felt her forehead, she was cooling down which was good. I pulled the covers over her shoulders and kissed her forehead, "see ya in the morning, honey."


I left early in the morning after Emily woke up, she seemed a lot better now. Amanda and Arianna were still sleeping, as was Nathan.

Paul and Amanda are...friends, I guess. She just doesn't dislike him as much as before becasue he explained imprinting to her, which she took quite well.

I made it home and saw dad had already left for work. I walked into the kitchen and started to make Bella breakfast, she had to eat today.

She walked downstairs, as pale as a vampire. I set the plate of bacon and eggs on the table and pointed to the chair, "sit." I demanded, she sighed and slumped into the chair before picking at her food. "You gotta eat Bella." I said.

"Not hungry." She pushed the plate back and crossed her arms.

"Fine, I'll just give it to the dog's." I picked up the plate and tipped all the food out the window, "why don't you hang out with Jacob or something, he's a good kid." I suggested while leaning against the counter, I looked at the back of her head and waited for some sort of answer.

"Your not my mother, you don't have to set up playdates for me." She said getting up, I followed her as she walked out the door.

"Well maybe I should take up that role. You're turning into a little brat and I can't deal with it, I'm hurting too, you know that?" I asked, she stopped and turned around to me.

"Yes." She said like a teenager who didn't want to talk to their parent.

"See, that. Right there. You're acting like a delinquent teenager who thinks everyone hates them. I'm sick and tired of it." I say loudly, she now has tears in her eyes.

"You don't get tired!" She yells at me, "I do! Trust me, I'm tired too. But I can't just go back to the way I was with Edward gone." Tears run down her face, she almost never crys making me feel bad. I look at the ground and shake my head.

"Come here." I open my arms and she runs into them, "I know it's hard Bells, but you need to get through this. And I'm going to help you."

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