Chapter eight- The Slumber Party

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I woke up in the nurse's office as I opened my eyes I saw Zen,Iris ,Irma and Helia . I was so surprised I asked " where am I and what am I doing here?" They looked at me and Zen said " you don't remember? ,Your powers over came you and you fainted " I looked at him in surprise and said "I fainted?" They nodded then Helia said "this is the nurse's office".

Earlier after I fainted
Zen's POV:
Ms.Petrinova said" Zen take her to the nurse's room" as I layed her down on the bed and covered her up Ms.Petrinova said" Zen I can see that this girl has fallen for you ,did you compelled her to?" I shook my head and said" no I did not but I too ha d fallen for her" she looked at me surprised and said" we need to protect her is a special one then she whispered she is a hybrid and if and when she can't control her powers you will be needed to stop her" I nodded then she asked " when did you start loving her" I said " since the first day I saw her " she asked " did you fed on her?" Nodded and said " yes I did" in a very low tone.

Rose POV:
I jumped up and said" what time is it? ,I still have class" Iris said " it's 6:24 in the evening and class dismisses long ago". I fell back down after a few minutes I got out of bed and said " can we please get to our dorms?". As we walked to the doorway of our dorm Irma said " please remember that the sleepover starts at 7:00" .

As we went in our dorm Zen said" I think you should take a bath you might feel better" I nodded and I went in my room to get some clothes and I went in the bathroom after I took a bath and got dressed I walked out the bathroom and Zen said holding a cup of tea in his hands" drink this it will help you regain your strength" I took it and smelled it then I asked" what is in it?" He replied and said " just some herbs" I drank it anyway because I trusted Zen so much then he said " get ready we are going soon".

I nodded and I went in my room I put my hair in a ponytail and I took up a pillow . I then said" are you ready?" He nodded and we walked through the door when we reached to the twins room and knocked on the door Iris opened it and said" yay! You are here come in" we walked through then Irma said " where are your pj's I said" I don't really wear them".

She said "you are tonight that is" then my clothes transformed into a dress and Zen's clothes as well as mine transformed into a comfortable cotton pants and shirt. Then I saw Helia ,Iris told us to sit on the couch then she said "welcome to our official slumber party ,and now follow me to see the grand tour she brought us on the roof of the dorm it was so beautiful to see the moon then she opened her room and it was beautiful it was decorated by her same as Irma's room.

Then after we went back in the living room she showed us the kitchen and the bathroom she said" proceed on the floor in front of the table" she took out a small cube and said " our first game will be truth or dare" . Irma said" place your pinkey finger in the cube and say I seware to tell the truth" all of us did it at the same time. The box said" to Iris what is your favorite color" she answered in hesitation " black" then the box said " Irma are you happy that one of your classmates like your crush" she said in shame" no I am not happy".

Then the box asked " Helia are you happy that you are in this group" Helia said" yes I am" . The box asked " Zen who was the last person you told that you loved them and is it true" Zen said " it was Rose and yes I meant it" I turned my head trying to hide my blushing cheeks. The box asked" Rose who did you fall for very hard? And why are you trying to hide it?" I said" no one at all".

Immediately the walls started to get closer then Irma asked" are you sure? just tell the truth!" Then I shouted out and said" I fell for Zen and I try to hide it because he is a vampire and a prince and I thought I wasn't worthy enough for him" the room was back to normal and Zen was blushing but he was also sad he held my hand and said" you are more than worthy " .

I smiled then Iris said she was getting tired and Irma said" let's go to sleep then she cast a spell for sleeping bags and five appeared on the floor I picked one beside Helia and Irma. I waited until they were all asleep then I got up and I went on the roof the stars were shining brightly all I could think about was Zen telling me he loved me and I told him I had fallen for him hard.

I heard someone behind me saying " is it true what you said today?" I turned around and saw Zen behind me I nodded and said" I am sorry I try to hide it" he said with a smile" it is ok ,and you are more than worthy for me " I nodded ,he held my chin high to make my eyes meet his eyes and we stared in each other's eyes for a long time then he hugged me and said " I love you Rose and what I say it I mean it " I said " I love you too Zen".

He held my loosen hair with his hands then he kissed me after he did he pushed off the sleeve of my dress and bit me his fangs were taller than the last time then we started kissing it was longer than the last time. After we kissed he lifted me up and he brought me to my bed I fell asleep immediately.

Immortal Academy: The Prophecy Of The Lost Princess (The Immortal Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now