Chapter sixteen - The Day Of The Challenge part 1

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I heard my alarm clock went off and I woke up and I went in the bathroom , and I got dressed . I had on a nice short white dress that reaches my knees and my shoes were low fitting white heels and I combed my hair in a ponytail and I fixed it in a bun.

I saw Zen and I said good morning he had on a classic styled , traditional looking tuxedo and it was black. He smiled at me and asked " how are you? Are you hungry?" I nodded and surprised he gave me human food which was pancake with bacon and eggs and the drink was blood.

After I was finished we walked out the door and the hallway was filled with students, but we manage to reach the twins room . As we opened the door , they all said " Happy Birthday Rose! " I was so happy . I said " thank you guys " .

Then we heard the head mistress announced " all students report to the courtyard now" , Helia said " when we get back we will do the presentations needed" then we went to the courtyard. It had red roses everywhere and it looked rather beautiful.

Then there was a red carpets in the centre , Zen, Helia,Irma and Iris said " we will be back , and sorry for leaving" . I nodded and let them go . " Happy birthday " I heard a voice said , and when I turned around I saw Vlansrick. He looked the same as usual " thank you very much" I said while smiling at him then he held my hand and kissed it and said " you look amazing my little dove " .

I curtseyed in his presence ,then we heard Ms.Petrinova came out and I looked behind me he was gone " good morning and welcome to our schools 348th challenge " she said and we all clapped.

He then held up her hand to give us the signal for us to finish , and she said " this year will be a different challenge I hope you can win , now let us introduce our special guests" when she started calling out the guests names all I was waiting for is for my friends names or parents names to be called.

Then I heard ' Ms.Equille daughters Irma and Iris Equille head of the national council for witches' , after a long while I heard them say Alpha Thoynes of the light pack, then they announced betas Mr and Mrs Luves and son Helia Luves of the night pack .

Then after they called all the names of the VIP's she said " and now for the royal family, his majesties King Alymes Wistarian of Valines , Queen Galotaya Wistarian, The first Prince , Prince Zeque Wistarian and Zen Wistarian the second Prince of Valines.

We all bowed in their presence and applaused them. Then the king said a few words and all of us got back together as a group. Ms. Petfinova then said " you have an hour before you are to be at the challenge, I hope you use that time wisely" . Other parents were there but , I don't think they were so important to the vampire society.

We went to Irma's and Iris's room and they said " sit there on the couch and stay still, this spell will take a while but it will be worth it " Irma said " this is a sacred spell that has been passed down in our family generations now , it is a strength spell it builds your strength and it helps you to be more focused inside and out you will be able to heal faster, think faster and attack or use defense faster also it doesn't waste your energy" .she told us to close our eyes and we did so . They said a few words but I think they were Egyptian language or something. Then they said " It is done".

We all smiled and when we look at the time we had about 10 minutes left, Iris made a sign in our hands and it turned to a white looking kind of dust . And she said " take it and it will give you confidence I promise" we all did what she asked of us , to me it tasted like glucose or something.

Then we rushed out and went where they told us to meet up. The head mistress then combined powers with all the strong witch teachers and the ground started to shake, all the students started to panic.

After a mere 30 seconds , the ground and everything turned into one of the Russian gladiators post . Then from the side we saw Ms.Petrinova and she said " surprised ,huh everyone , the rules are simple each team member are going to compete against the other teams then if at the end if you are qualified the two teams will go against each other and the team left standing is the victor of this challenge and next year you get special privileges".

We all looked at each other ,then Helia said " that was unexpected".

The Head Mistress said while pulling out an orb " this is the orb of destiny and wisdom , it will be the one choosing each one of you, now let's begin". As she said that the orb started spinning with our faces and the names under our faces. It stopped on Amelia and Erica .

When both of them went in the field Ms.Petrinova said " You can use any power you want but don't cheat in anyway or you will be disqualified". They nodded and they changed in their battle clothing ,they looked beautiful, I was so occupied with who I was going up against that about two or four fights passed and I didn't watch. Then after the last match the orb spinned and it stopped at Zen and Thoynes it was epic both leaders of a Nation.

When they started Zen used the element of air and because Thoynes is a werewolf it had no effect . Then Thoynes changed into a wolf it's fur was white , but Zen won and Thoynes lost by default.

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