Chapter Ten - The Hunger

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When I woke up and I got dressed I felt relaxed and full of energy . Zen asked me if I wanted some blood to start the day and I said no I told him that I will not drink any ever again because it is from humans . He said ok and gave up . This morning we had a new teacher Ms. Hundachi . As we walked in class she was already there and we hurriedly sad down .

Ms. Hundachi introduced herself. She started the lesson off by saying " there are a lot of groups of vampires , werewolves and witches but today I will be teaching about vampires " it sounded very facinating to me that I could repeat every word she said .

She said " vampires has the most categories of types first you have the dampir which is half human, half vampire. Then you have the natural vampires they can endure sunlight and the dark vampires only comes out at night . You have the vampire rulers called the pure ones they are Kings and queens . You have the rare ones they have the power of both witch and vampires .

Then you have hybrids half vampire and half werewolf. You have the vampire who were turned by vampires called the plegdlings and then you have level E which means end this is for all the vampires and werewolves who turned off their humanity , witches can't switch off or on their humanity instead they have either been overcome by power or overcome by the darkness " .

After that long lesson class was dismissed and it was lunch time . As we went to the Cafeteria we saw Iris, Irma and Helia . Zen offered to buy me blood bit I refused . For the next few days every time I woke up I felt weak like I was fading or something.

2 weeks after
This morning we had Ms. Hundachi, so when we went to class she started off by telling us the topic she said " the topic is the categories of witches , now witches are categorized by three kinds natural, metal and the wishing type.

The natural kinds of witches are also called the elementals they are called that because they have the power to control the four element which you all should know already : fire, water , earth and wind .

The metal kinds can control man- made objects but some witches can not use this power in a natural environment like forests ,Amazon's , swamps because those places has no man - made objects. And the last kind is the wishing witch also called the rare ones in this species , they are almost like fairies but try not to mistake any of them the wishing kind can accept wishes and Grant them.

The more wishes they grant the more their powers evolve and so they obtain new skills , some can even control all four elements and metal objects at the same time, but due to this they tend to lose control of their powers or some are over taken by the darkness.

So next you will learn about werewolves and their kinds. Are there any questions?" . When class was dismissed we all went in the cafeteria but I felt rather weak so I went to our dorm followed by Zen . Helia , Iris and Irma had class .

We had class but Zen called the academy's nurse and told her that I was sick so the nurse told Zen to stay and see that I am well taken care of . Zen asked" are you ok Rose ? ,You look pale and you are getting a fever " I said " I am fine , I just feel alittle weak that's all " .

Then he said " I think you should drink some blood it will make you feel better " I shook my head then he said " well you won't listen , but just get some rest ". I nodded and he covered me up with the blanket and I fell asleep.

Rose dreaming
She appeared in front of me , and she said " Rose I think you should listen to Zen he is right you feel this way because your body is fading without blood , I promise you that it will help".

Rose Awake
I woke up and the hunger got worse , I kept thinking should I follow Daphne's idea . I looked beside me and it was Zen sleeping , I looked at his gorgeous face , as I looked down at his neck it was so temping to bite. But I didn't want to ruin his perfectly smooth and outrageously beautiful skin .

Then I looked at his face and I was almost going to cry. Then I decided to get up but I still felt weak , while doing so I woke up Zen he asked " are you ok ? " I nodded and I tried to get off the bed when I fell . Zen got up and said " you should lay down ,you are still too weak " . I said to him that I don't want to .

He put his hands on my face and he said " Rose why are you so stubborn , I am trying to help you .

I started crying and he seemed rather shocked then I said " the ergde to do it is very tempting but I can't" he looked at me for a while and asked " what ergde are you talking about?" I nodded and said " forget it then he said " if you want to do it , whatever it is don't back down just do it " .

As he said that it felt like I could hear every vain in his body with blood cells moving . The I kept looking at his neck and I looked at his hand on my face .

I took his hand and I was just sub- consciously saying you smell good then I snapped back then reality and I said to him " Zen I am sorry but I have to do this " . Then before I knew it my fangs were in his skin and I was drinking his blood.

Zen then said " Rose your hair is turning white" . I stopped drinking and then I shouted " white! How comes ?is it a bad thing ? Does it look nice? " Zen answered and said " because you are becoming a true vampire and no it isn't a bad thing it is just a sign that your powers are evolving and yes it looks nice to tell you the truth it fits you" I smiled at him and I started drinking from his wrist .

Then I went up to his neck I felt revived and full then he asked me " are you feeling better?" I said " yes , thank you I feel much better " . He smirked at me and said " good well it is my turn now " . I said " I knew there was a catch to it ". He then started at my neck but he didn't take that much .

He kissed and I started kissing him back my fangs cutted him on his bottom lip and it was bleeding , at that moment I used that opportunity to drink some more of his blood. A while after that he had put me to sleep and before I knew it I was engaging myself in a deep slumber.

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