𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆

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It is now the next and I am currently sitting in English as the hero Present Mic teaches us. You would think because a hero is teaching us it would be so fun and exciting but in reality, it was just a normal dull boring English lesson.

To my right is the boy with red hair that I found his name is Eijiro Kirishima. When I got to class this morning I was a bit early and our homeroom teacher was late. So I decide to talk to him. He was really nice and fun but most importantly 'manly' as he called it.

But well I was talking to him I could feel eyes on me but everything I looked around no one was looking at me it was so weird.

"Who can find the mistake in the following English sentence?" Present Mic asked the class. "All right everyone hands ups show me some spirt." He was too loud. It was the morning can't he be any quieter I am going to get a headache.

The answer was obviously choice four. Iida and Momo both put their hands up trying to get Present Mic to pick them instead of the other.

Soon after it was Lunchtime as we entered the lunch we saw cook hero: Lunch Rush. I am so excited to eat his food and once I pick out my food I paid and it was dirt cheap and the food was top notch. Amazing.

I could see Midoriya having a fanboy moment over the fact he got to met another hero. I learnt that about him on the first day of school when he found out our homeroom teacher was Eraserhead.

I found Momo and she was sitting next to this pink girl who is in our class. "Hello Momo," I said to her and turned to the other girl "Hello my name is (Y/N) (L/N) but you can call me (Y/N)" I have gotten basically raised by the Yaoyorozu's family so I started to pick up on their formal way of speaking but not all the time.

"Hi I am Mina Ashido and my quirk is acid. Also, you can call me Mina. Whats your's?"

"Oh my quirk is called Aqua"

After the small introduction, we talked about all the different students until. Mina was looking at something behind me but when I turned around I didn't see anything.

"so are you and that Bakugou guy dating?" She said curiously. I could hear Momo laughing next to me while I was a blushing mess as I remember what had happened the previous day. I look around making sure anyone heard Mina

"N-no why would you think that?"

"Oh so you like him but you're not dating? Why?"

"I-I don't like him," I said as I could feel my face going a fade darker.

"Tell that to your face" I looked down trying to somewhat hide my face behind the curtain of my hair has created around my face.

"Ok, Mina let's stop teasing here" I hear Momo say. Thank you, someone has saved me from this nightmare.

I feel someone staring at me I looked around as I hear Mina "But it's not teasing if it's true" I didn't hear Momo's replay as I looked for the person who was looking at me.

Then I found a pair of red eyes staring straight into my eye. It was Katsuki. Why is he staring at me? I wondered. As soon as our eyes make contract we just stared at each other for a moment before I blushed at the intense stare. Then he turned away but I could see his ears had turned bright red meaning he was blushing as well.

Soon after lunch was finished and me Mina and Momo headed back to class. Everyone was excited as it was the first lesson of hero basic training. Once everyone was in there seats the door suddenly opened to reveal All Might. I haven't seen him in a while.

"I have come through the door like normal!" he said surprising everyone.

I look around the room to see all the excited faces I turn to my left to see Midoriya with such a big bright smile. I look to in front of Midoriya to see Katsuki. It surprised me at the expression he had on. The angry hedgehog was smiling not a big one like Midoriya but still. He was smiling it looked good on him better than that stupid smirk.

"Hero basic training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mould you into heroes. No time to dally today's activity is this" I look to see the words battle.

"Battle Training" I see Midoriya a bit nervous but nothing compared to his nervous when we had the quirk test. Even if I couldn't see Katsuki I could already imagine a stupid smirk on his face.

"and for that, you need these" Soon after he said that the wall moves forward to show us shelf with boxes with numbers on them.

Then All Might then explained what they were and nearly everyone shouted out:


"After you change, come out in ranking order to ground beta" He paused then said "looking good is very important ladies and gentleman. Look alive now because from today on you're all heroes!!"

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now