𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚

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I looked over to see Katsuki looking out of the window. "K-Katsuki?" I asked trying to start a convention. But ended up stuttering instead. Why am I so nervous? Why is my heart also beating wherever he is around?

He didn't turn around but I heard a yes meaning he wants to talk. Or he just wants to know what I wanted. I know this because he answered me when he could have ignored me. But he didn't.

"um, w-why did you want me to sit here?" I asked the question that was repeated over and over inside my head.

"because-" He got interrupted but the talking of the other students at the front. Just my luck I was just about to get the answer I was waiting for this whole time. I will just have to ask him about it later.

"your quirk resembles All Might's," Tsuyu said. Tsuyu is really nice but very straightforward. I have learnt quite a bit about my classmates. They have learnt a bit about me but not too much.

Which is good. I don't know if I will be able to tell anyone here about my past. Even though it happened a long time ago. It still hurts and pains me.

I get being scared every night before I go to bed afraid that I will see my nightmares. My past. I don't want anyone to worry about me.

Back to Tsuyu statement, I think about all the times Izuku used his quirk and I agree with Tsuyu. It is very similar to All Mights.

Then Kirishima spoke up "hold up Tsuyu. All Might doesn't get hurt though, they're already difference in that way" That is true but when I looked at Izuku he looked somewhat a relief that he said that. I wonder why.

I was so much in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the rest of the conservation until I heard my name.

"wait we haven't seen (Y/N) quirk yet have we?" Tsuyu said. Then everyone looked at me. Momo just looked at me as if she thought I was going to cry.

No, I am not going to cry. I don't even know why she would think that. Just because me and my mum had the same quirk and now she's not here. But this is my quirk no one else.

"y-yea (Y/N) what is your quirk?" Izuku asked. "wait did I not tell anyone?" I asked a little confused I swear I told someone.

I see all the students shake there head. "WHAT" I shouted but then get shushed by Aizawa sensei. I said a quick sorry and lower my head in shame. How did I not tell anyone? This is a hero course.

"I-I am so sorry I didn't tell anyone about my quirk," I said ashamed of myself. "That was really rude of me" I raised my head to see nearly everyone has shocked expressions.

"W-what?" I asked afraid that I forgot something again. Someone nudges me I look to the side to see Katsuki turned around to me "you don't need to be sorry dumbass" He said.

" you don't have to be sorry (Y/N) we all forget sometimes," Iida said smiling at me I smiled back at him but in the corner, I saw Katsuki glaring daggers into the boy.

I ignored it and spoke feeling a bit better but still a bit upset that I forgot to tell my friends about my quirk.

"My quirk is called Aqua" I looked around the bus to see Izuku smiling eagerly to try and see what my quirk does.

"What can you do with your quirk" a new voice entered the conservation I turned behind me to see Todoroki. The person who spoke.

"um well I can shoot water out of any part of my body," I said and showed them by lifting my hand up and shooting a little amount of water out.

"Also I can become invisible in water," I said looking around the bus to see all eyes on me including a pair of red eyes.

"w-wow that so c-cool (Y/N)" said Izuku. I got a couple of compliments on it. I turned around to face Katsuki.

"so what did you think?" I asked him. I don't know why I wanted his opinion but for some reason, it was important to me.

He turned around and spoke. "It was ok" I don't know why but that one compliment was better than any other I got today. I know ok doesn't sound good but coming from Katsuki Bakugou. It meant you were good.

If he thought I was bad he would have laughed or something rude but he didn't and it made my heart want to explode right here.

I am not completely sure what this feeling is but I have an idea of what it is. And I am terrified but for now. I am just going to ignore it. But the problem is that the feeling is growing by each day.

Each day it gets harder and harder it ignore it. Am I the only one who is feeling like this?

What do I do if one day I can no longer ignore it but walk towards it?

What will happen? Will I tell him my past will I not?

These questions kept floating in my mind as the students were talking about the flashy quirks. Then they were talking about Katsuki's creepy personality.

But I wasn't listening. I didn't care what they were talking about. I see Momo looking at me worriedly but I just told her I was ok.

But in reality, I was confused but happy. How did this feeling happen?

I know I have had this feeling since the beginning but now it is something more. Something bigger.

I look over at Katsuki to see he is ready to jump and attack anyone who spoke badly about him.

This bus ride was long but I now know what this feeling is.

I now know that this feeling was because I like Katsuki.

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now