𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

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After I got dressed in my costume I went to ground beta. I was wearing a (F/C) tight body suit that was waterproof. The costume was a bit puffy and curvy then I wanted it to be so everything was practically on show.

But nothing compared to Momo's one. She had the middle of her chest showing I don't how she is going to survive all the stares she is going to receive now and in the future.

We were waiting for the rest to come after getting changed. I was waiting with Momo until I saw the back of Katsuki's head.

I walked up to him and on went on my tip toes to reach his ear. "how do I look?" I asked him scaring him a bit. His expression was a shocked one before looking me up and down. It made me blush at his intense stare.

He started to blush as well and said "you look like a dumbass"

Then I noticed his costume. His costume really showed how much time he has been working out. He had muscles and they were big. He looked so hot in his costume. With that thought in my mind, I instantly went red.

I tried to cover my face so he doesn't see my face but luck was not on my side because I could see the smirk on his face. "mm like what you see (Y/N) " My face was now covered with red.

"um y-you l-look um um" I paused and mumbled "you look good" I blushed even more. But when I looked up it looked like he didn't hear me which was good. So I covered it up but saying "you look like an idiot"

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU CALL ME?" He started shouting but I run away from him and walked to Kirishima.

"Hello Kirishima," I say waving at him "Hey (Y/N)" he says back. "your costume is very manly. It suits you very well. "Wow, thanks (Y/N) you look great too" at this compliment I blush. I was about to respond when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Oi hedgehog hair, get away from her" I look up to see Katsuki next to me holding onto my wrist. "Hey, I have the same hair as you" Kirishima pointed out which to me was very true.

"I don't give a fuck" I sigh when is he even doing this. Is he perhaps jealo-. "are you jealous Bakugou?" The redhead asked him. "haha of you no, I just don't want you to make dumbass anymore stupid then she already is"

"Katsuki that's mean"

"I don't fucking care" and with that, he dragged me away from Kirishima. "Hey let go of me" But he didn't listen to me he just kept going.

He then stopped. He looks around and sees something that angers him but I can't see what it was. "change" He orders me.

Wait did he just tell me the change. Change into what? Did he not like my costume?

"W-what why?"

"Because the others are looking at you," He says blushing turning away trying to hide his embarrassment.


"you are showing everyone" He paused "I don't like it" I could bearly make it out but I could hear it. "They are all pervert's who just look at you like that so change" He went back to his normal voice.

I don't I was meant to hear that before. But why doesn't he like it? " I don't have anything to change into so no" I pause and looked down at myself then back up to him. "and I also like my costume I don't fucking care," I said mimicking what he said earlier and walked away from him.

Before I left I could see the shocked face he had because of what I saw. Since I met him I had swear before. Well, in general, I don't swear.

I walked back to the others ready for the battle training. The last one finish changing was Midoriya he just looked so cute in his green costume he looked similar to All Might in a way.

"It's time for battle training, " All Might said. All Might then began to explain what we will be doing and then put us into teams. But since there was an odd number there was going to be one team of three.

I was in team B with Todoroki and Shoji. Todoroki had the quirk of half hot half cold and Shoji had a quirk of Dupli-Arms. I don't know what it was but the name sounds cool. We had a good team I think.

I see Katsuki with Iida. I feel sorry for Iida he is going to have to deal with that angry person for the whole match. Poor Iida.

I look at Momo and see she is with Mineta. Oh no, I can already see him looking her straight in the chest and because the middles bit is open. Poor Momo is well she has to deal with the little pervert.

At least Midoriya is in a team with Uraraka. They are going to make a good team.

"Moving on first up are these" All Might then pulls two balls out one of them had D and the other had A.

"The heroes are team A. The villains are team D" Oh no that was Katsuki and Midoriya's team. This was not going to end well. Good luck Midoriya I thought in my head as the rest of the teams walked to the camera room to watch the match.

I could see Katsuki looked ready to kill someone and that someone being Midoriya. I just hope that after this they will both be ok. Well, I hope.


𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now