𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝑻𝒘𝒐

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I sat in my seat next to Momo and Mina waiting for Katsuki and Ochaco match to start. Momo had came back a little while after me, you could clearly see she had been crying but no one said anything probably knowing how she is feeling at this moment. I felt guilty that I was the one to make her feel like this but I was not going to let this opportunity to show my quirk off as mine and not my mom the former water hero Mizu. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to look at Momo. "Hey calm down I bet your 'loveable' boyfriend is going to be fine," She said giving me a smile. I smiled back at her but it didn't look convincing her that I was okay but she was right that I was worried but not because of Katsuki. But because of Ochaco, she was going to get hurt not just physical but mentally, Katsuki was not going to hold back.

"I am not worried about Katsuki I am worried about Ochaco" Her face showed that she just realised who exactly my 'loveable' boyfriend is and that he can beat up anyone no matter what they were.

"A celebrity since his middle school days, with a face only a mother could love... It Katsuki of the hero course!!"

Katsuki then walked out with an irritated face like always. "Versus my personal pick!! Ochaco Uraraka, also of the hero course!" Present Mic shouted out like always as Ochaco walked out not looking one bit scared.

You got this Ochaco, even if you don't win. Show everyone what you can do and make your parents proud while they are still around. I thought as I look down at Ochaco with a sad but happy smile.

I could see Katsuki's mouth moving meaning he was probably trying to scare Ochaco but Ochaco was not backing down. I heard Izuku talking about Katsuki but I wasn't focusing on what they were saying I just stared down at the two in the arena.

"START" Midnight shouted out to the two as Ochaco quickly took charge at Kastuki probably trying to get the first hit or else she wouldn't be able to touch him any other time but Katsuki wasn't having any of that. 

As soon as she got closer to him he fired an explosion at her pushing her back, I heard some people talking about how Katsuki was being too hard on her but the point is that they just wanted him to go easy because she was a girl. They were being extremely sexist. They were basically saying girls couldn't fight boys because they were too strong unless they were going easy on them.

I was proud that Kastuki didn't hold back because she was a girl. Ochaco and any other girl don't deserve anyone to go easy on them. I know for a fact I would be outraged if someone did that to me.

I saw Ochaco pop out behind him trying to reach him but since Katsuki has amazing reaction time he quickly attacks her from behind sending her back. Ochaco started to charge again she was not giving but once again Katsuki stopped her plan by an explosion at her.

Everyone in class A was covering there facing at the scene apart from me, I may seem heartless but this what going to happen when or if she becomes a hero, no one's going to go easy on her. It's better than she has learnt it now and not later.

Every time she got down she would keep on getting up even though her body is must be hurting. Most of the crowd would shout out angry comments at Katsuki and it was just ticking me off that I started biting my lip so hard, to keep myself from shouting, started to bleed.

"IM GONNA WIN" Ochaco shouted out as she looked up as lots of rocks started to fall down towards the area Katsuki was standing on. Oh, so that was her plan along. I smiled while I watched the girl use her quirk. She is very smart and is going to be a great hero.

But sadly for her, she was facing someone with astonishing reaction time which leads to Katsuki quickly blasting the rocks as well as his opponent. 

She was going to charge again when her legs gave out and fall to the ground. Midnight walked over to her then shouted out "Uraraka is unable to continue. Bakugou on to the second round"

She was taken away to recovery girl, she was going to be okay. Izuku stood up and started to walk out of the stands, I followed behind to see Katsuki as well Ochaco.

I was a little behind Izuku but I had to stop as I nearly tripped on my shoe lacing and had to do them up again. Once I finished, I stood up and walked down the hall when someone came out from the corner and dumped into me.

"Hey watch it dumbass," The person said holding on to my waist so I wouldn't floor. I knew that voice, I looked up to see a deep red of eyes staring right at me. Once I had gotten my balance I launched myself onto Katsuki and hugged him tightly.

He seems a bit surprised but hugged back no the less holding me just as tight. "W-what are you doing dumbass?" He said to me as a spec of scarlet dusked his cheeks.

I pulled back away from him while his hands moved to my waist holding me still "can't a girlfriend congratulate her boyfriend?" I said while puffing out my cheeks looking away from him with red cheeks as I finally realised how embarrassing this was. He raised his hands and rested them on the back of my head.

"I got a fucking better idea," he said. I looked at him looking him in the eye, he had a hint of mischief in his blood red eyes. "What do you-" But before I could continue his lips attached itself to mine. He was kissing me and it felt as if the world faded away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled.

We pulled back and looked at each other with our emotions travelling to the other. He then grabbed my hand and started to walk back to our seats.

I guess I will see how Ochaco is doing later. I thought as I walked beside the person I lo-like.

I know I like Katsuki but this feeling has now somehow changed into something more. I can't be love. Right? Or can it? As I was trying to figure out my feeling I didn't notice that we were now in the stands while everyone was looking at us or more importantly Katsuki.

He pulled us to two seats at the back while he shouted at the rest to turn around. Once they turned around I felt a breath of hot air on the side of my neck. I turned a bit to see Katsuki with his face against the side of my neck.

I didn't say anything liking how close he was but at the same was nervous. This feeling was exciting yet at the same time scary. I still had some much to tell him before telling him my real feeling.

 That...that I love him.

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now