𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚-𝑶𝒏𝒆

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After we got kicked out we were just walking around talking to each other about random stuff like our favourite things. I found out he told us to that restaurant because he really liked spicy food. It sort of suited his personality. If you know what I mean.

I looked around and saw we were nowhere near any shops anymore but we were so into the conservation we were having that we didn't see where we were going. We were on a street full of houses.

As we were walking I hear Katsuki muttered under his breathe. "please don't fucking notice us."

Who is he talking about? I looked around trying to see if I knew anyone when I hear someone shouting from the other side of the street. But she wasn't shouting at me but at katsuki.


At the voice, Katsuki instantly lets go of my hand. My hand was now feeling cold. It was missing the warmth his hand was providing me. Who is this woman?

The women then cross the street. I can now see her clearer. She had blonde hair and was once again added to the people who are taller than me. Her hair was like... I turned to look at Katsuki then back at the woman then back again.

I repeated this until it finally clicked into my head that this woman here in front of me is Katsuki's mother.

I turned to Katsuki mother to see she is hitting him in the head for ignoring him. Is she nice? What if she is the same as Katsuki? What do I say?

As I was in thought I didn't notice her attention was turned to me. "and who might you be?" she asked me. Well, so far she sounds nice. But maybe she is just faking and then she will be rude after.

I was so nervous. "H-hello my name is (Y-Y/N) (L/N)" I said while stuttering. I see that Katsuki was trying to hold in his laugh. Was it that obliveious that I was nervous.

"It is so nice to meet you" She turned to Katsuki. "So is this the girlfriend I have been hearing so much about," She said to him. Wait he talks about me to his mum. That's so cute.

I saw Katsuki turn red as he tried to tell his mother so stop talking but he was just a blushing mess. "S-SHUT U-UP YOU OLD HAG" He shouted at her.

'old hag'. Did he really just call his mother that? He has the same personality at home as well. I always imagined that he would have this sweet caring side to him in front of his parents. I guess wrong.

I started laughing at the two conventions which caught the two Bakugou's attention. I wonder what his dads like. I can see he takes after his mother a lot not just by looks but personality as well.

"Why don't you come over?" His mother said. I looked at Katsuki to see if he minded. He didn't say anything. I don't know. I have only been dating for like a day. I feel like this relationship is going to fast.

What if he asks to meet my parents? No that can not happen.

I was going to answer when Kastuki grabbed my hand and started to drag me as he walked. "W-where are we going?" I asked.

"To my house"

"B-but I didn't answer yet"

"I don't fucking care"

"w-what w-why?" I asked confused and surprised at his answer

"I want to spend more time with you"

As he said that I turned red and my heart was not doing any better. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

As he continued to pull me all my worries went away like it flew out of the window. I looked behind to see Mrs Bakugou right behind us.

She was smiling at us. I hope his dad is as nice as his mother.

He stopped in front of a house. I kinda thought he lived in an apartment but again I guessed wrong. I looked up the street to see a familiar shop. I go to that shop sometimes to get food. It was close to my apartment.

We lived this close. How have we never seen each other before the entrance exam before?

As we entered his house. I looked around, it was so nice and it looked like Katsuki had a great childhood just by looking. He must have been a happy child.

"are you okay?" I looked to my right to see Katsuki bent down to my heigh looking at me in the eyes. "Yea just a little nervous," I said with a little sadness but I just hope he didn't catch onto it. I take off my shoes and put them next to Katsuki. I was going to follow katsuki when I someone was calling my name.

"(Y/N)" I turned around to see Mrs Bakugou calling my name. "Yes Mrs Bakugou," I said politely. She laughed a bit. Why is she laughing? Did I do something wrong? "Oh hon, call me Mitsuki" I nod. " Do you want to stay over for dinner?"

I look at Katsuki to see if it is alright. He looks at me and nods his head meaning it is okay. I then turn back to Mrs- I mean Mitsuki " Yes please."

After I reply I get dragged up the stairs by Katsuki. Once we reach the top of the stairs he continues to hold my hand as we walk down a corridor with doors on each side.

He stops at one and opens it to reveal a clean room. I looked around to see an All Might poster up on the wall. I giggle silently. He is such a fanboy. I bet when All Might walked into the room he was trying really hard not to get excited.

This was Katsuki. This was my boyfriend's room. The person I like is in a room all alone. No one else. In a bedroom. At the thoughts, I began to panic. Is he going to do something?

I hear a bang, I turn around to see Katsuki has closed the door. Oh no he closed the door. Something is going to happen.

He walked closer to me like he was hunting his prey. Me being the prey. "um m-maybe w-we c-could open the d-d-door" I stuttered. I was so nervous I couldn't even speak properly.

"why are you so nervous?" He said as he moved closer to me.

"I-I am not n-nervous" He moved closer again as I spoke

"Calm down I don't bite," He said up against my ear and then moved away. He then walked towards his bed when he turned around

"or do I" He said with a smirk. Oh no.

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now