Chapter 39

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"Watch out", I yell at the person that is walking in front. The person just turns around and gives me a confused look, probably because he didn't know what I meant. When he did, he quickly back away, avoiding himself from getting hit.

I told you that I didn't ride a bicycle for so long so when Nathan forces me to, I'm a little worried. And now, I'm a minute away from getting into jail because I almost committed a crime.

I mean hitting 10 people in the last 2 minutes doesn't consider as a crime, right?

The wind was flying through my hair making it flew across my face unable for me to see anything. I can't control the bicycle but I know that I'm heading in the direction of a big tree. I shut my eyes closed and ready to face the trouble that is up ahead.

I was waiting for my bike to hit the tree and then I'll fall to the ground and my skin will start bleeding but it never comes. My bike suddenly stops moving and I let out a breath that I had been holding. I know that someone has definitely stopped it.

I look up to see a man holding the front set of the bicycle, I'm riding. He's probably in his early 20's. He lets out a shaky breathe while looking up.

Saying that he's unattractive is an understatement, he's gorgeous. He is wearing a white hoodie and grey jeans. He has pale skin and plump lips. His jawline is sharp and a light beard is lightly decorating it.

We both look at each other and laugh. He then helps me to get off the bicycle.

"Thank you so much", I tell him, even though I'm not sure if he understands it or not. I'm debating between giving my hand for him to shakes or either hug him to feel his abs or packs.

Deciding that I won't be thirsty for every male I see, I let out my hand and he gladly accepts it.

"My pleasure", He smiles at me, showing his dazzling white teeth. I'm actually surprised he can speak English.

"I'm serious, if you didn't help me, I'll probably be bleeding to death by now" I laugh and he did the same.

"It's no big deal. It's not like, I can see a woman on a bike shouting wildly in the park every day", he laughs and I groaned.

"I'm 'ADÁN' and 'Adam' in English", He speaks with his Spanish accent.

"I'm Alaiza", I tell him. Adam was about to speaks something but was cut off by the voice that I'm really familiar with.

"ALAIZAAAA", Nathan shouts while running toward me.

" ?", Nathan asks while trying to control his breathing. When he gains his breathe back, he ignores Adam and walks in circle around me, checking if I bleed anywhere.

"I'm fine, Nathan", I assure him and he smiles when he sees that I didn't bleed anywhere.

"You drove really fast. I didn't know which way you went so I run everywhere trying to find you and I finally see you. Thank god that you're safe", He speaks.

"Thanks to Adam instead", I point to Adam and Nathan snaps his head wildly at Adam. Adam is as tall as Nathan, just in case you're wondering.

"Hi, I'm Adam and you are ?", Adam smiles kindly at Nathan.

"I'm Nathan but call me Mr.Archer and I'm Alaiza's boyfri-", Nathan was about to speaks but I hit his back.

"He's my boss", I tell Adam and Nathan glares at me while Adam seemss satisfied.

"Okay, Alaiza. I'll see you around ?", Adam waves at me and I stop him.

"Can I have your number ?", I ask Adam while handing my phone to him. Adam gives me a confused look and Nathan scowls.

"I just want to pay you food as a thank you for saving me", I tell him and he nods. He takes my phone and types his number while Nathan crosses his hand across his chest. He doesn't seem too happy.

"Call me soon", Adams winks at me and hands me back my phone. I laugh and hit his arm. We wave each other goodbyes and Adam jogs away.

I turn around and Nathan suddenly snatches my phone away from me.

"What are you doing ?", I almost-shout at him and he ignores me.

"NATHAN", I shout his name when he deletes Adam's number.

"Why would you do that ?", I ask him when he hands me back my phone.

"So, what do you want me to do? Let my girlfriend calls and hangs out with somebody else ?", Nathan asks me while glaring at me. I tried to ignore the butterfly that erupts in my stomach when he calls me his 'girlfriend'.

"But still, he helped me. Without him, I'll probably be bleeding or hit somebody", I glare at him.

So basically, we're glaring at each other.

"Whatever, you'll never understand", I break our staring contest and walk to my bike.

Nathan takes a moment to understand what I said but I'm already at least 10 meters away from him. He runs up to me and it takes him only about 2 minutes to do so.

"So what do you want to do the rest of the day? Maybe to the beach or go shopping ?", Nathan asks me when he catches up.

I ignore him and keep walking.

"Oh come on. Don't ignore me, I'm just looking out for you", Nathan speaks and again but I ignore him again.

"Alaiza", this time he seems to be a little pissed.

"Nathan", I turn around facing him.

"I understand that you're looking out for me but why do you need to do that? He saved me, I'm just trying to repay what he did and why do you need to get so annoyed, like what is your prob-".

Before I can finish what I want to speak, Nathan's lips were suddenly on mine.


Haha, cliffhanger.

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