Chapter 49

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If you can, plz listen to the music above, its really good.

I just wanted to tell you that seeing your comments make me feel so happy, no matter if its a hate comment or even a comment with only one word. 'Update'.



"Shit, she's coming", I curse to myself as I heard footsteps walking down the stair and it has gotten closer every second passed by. I quickly put the steaks that I cooked and put it on a separate plate. I pour our lemon juice, that was made by Dave because I don't know how to, into 2 cups and put it near the plate of steak.

Alaiza walks in, looking absolutely gorgeous as usual in her uniform, and looks around the room. I can already tell that she's confused.

"Uhm...Sit, let's have breakfast", I tell her and she hesitant for a moment before shrugging and walks to the table. Before she can pull her chair, I do it for her and she smiles at me. She sits down and I walk over to my side.

"So steak, huh ?", She asks me as soon as I sit down and I nod.

She cut a piece of the steak and puts it inside her mouth. I followed her every move. After she starts chewing, she made a disgusted face.

Doesn't she like it?

"So what do you think ?", I ask her and she just smiles.

"It tastes a bit odd. It's really salty. I don't really like the flavor, mine is not medium rare either, I only wanted to eat medium rare. The person who cooked this is probably not professional. They're just so bad", She tells me and my heart sinks. I spent hours trying to cook it and she doesn't like it?

"I cooked it", I tell her and she immediately jerks her head up.

"Really ?", She asks me in a surprised manner.

"Yeah", I gave her and sad nod. "If you don't like it, just throw it away", I tell her and drink my orange juice.

Gosh, why do I felt so upset? It felt so hurt.

I look over to Alaiza and I can see a pretty smirk on her face and I give her a confused look. After seeing my expression, she just laughs and continues to eat her steak.

"I thought you didn't like the flavor", I put my orange juice back on the table and she shakes her head.

"Relax, I was just kidding. I knew from the beginning that you're the one that cooked it.", She smirks at me and continues to put another piece of meat into her mouth.

"How do you know ?", I ask her, feeling slightly better.

"Well, I was woken up when you shout out loud so I came downstairs to see what happened and saw that you were cooking the steak with Dave beside you. I can already tell that you're trying to impress me by cooking me food so I just wanted to play with you. Also, you're still in your pajamas", she tells me with a wink and I frown.

I really wanted this to be a surprise, she shouldn't know first. I even forgot to change into my work clothes.

"You think it's funny ?", I ask her and she nods.

"Duh, you should've seen your face. You look really upset, you're really bad at lying", She laughs and I start getting up from my seat and walk toward her, like a predator walking toward its prey.

"What are you doing ?", Alaiza stops laughing and she immediately gets up from her seat and runs to the other side of the table when I run to her side.

"I will teach you a lesson to let you know that you shouldn't laugh at me", I shout as I run toward her again but she still giggles and runs toward the living room. Since her legs are shorter than mine, I'm pretty sure that I'll catch her easily.

"You will never", She shouts at me as she runs to the back of the sofa. I run in her direction but she quickly jumps on the sofa and runs to the other side of the room in a matter of second.

Damn, she's quick. That short legs can run fast.

"Surrender yourself now and you wouldn't get any punishments", I tell her with my husky voice and I can tell that she's liking it.

"How about a 'no' ?", She laughs at me as she runs toward the dining room again, with me following her closely behind. I tried to catch her but she quickly dodges and runs to the side of the dining table, with me to her opposite side.

"You should stop running for a minute", I tell her and I tried to absorb as much oxygen as much as I can. We're literally running around this house and I'm sweating buckets but Alaiza didn't even seem to be tired at all. In fact, she seems bored.

"Aw... is the big bad boy already tired", She teased me and I smirk at her. In a second, I'm jumping on top of the table and quickly run on the table toward her. It takes her by surprise because she can't run away from me in time as I already have my arm around her small body.

"Let me go", She yells out loud as I lift her toward the living room.

"I tried to be nice to you and let you surrender yourself easily but you didn't take that opportunity so now I'm giving you punishments", I whisper into her ear and I gently lick her earlobe and I can tell that she's smiling.

I gently throw her onto the sofa and she's giggling while throwing the pillows on it at me, I can easily catch it with ease. In one swift moment, I'm on top of her and her smiles immediately faded. I thought that I was moving to fast and was about to get back up but I stopped when I see that Alaiza's gaze was on my lips. I smile to myself knowing that she's checking my lips out.

I gently lower my head and her gaze is still on my lips. When my lips are inches away from her, I change my mind and pull away. I stand back up as I straightened my pajamas. Alaiza seems shocked for a moment but she finally looks up.

"What was that for ?", She asks me.

"Well, last time I kissed you, you run away from me and go to watch a movie with another man and I have to wait for you for hours so I can have a 5 minutes conversation with you. I'm not doing it again. I'm not doing something against your will ever again. I will only kiss you when we're officially a couple and when you're ready", I tell her and she seems taking back for a moment before nodding.

I give her one last smile and attempt to walk upstairs, to change into my business clothes so we can both go to work but a soft arm, who is on my shoulder, harshly spin me around. I was about to ask Alaiza why did she spin me around but my mouth was already being shut my Alaiza's lips.

She kissed me. OMG, SHE KISSED ME.

I smile against our kiss and push her closer to me as I lick her lip, trying to taste all the sweetness before it got pulled away from me.


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