Chapter 64

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Seeing your comments made me so happy... I wanted to cry 😭. Thank you so much.

 Thank you so much

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"So how was your sleep last night ?", Alice asks us as Nathan and I enter the dining room.

"Mom, I know that you wanted grandchildren but I'm sorry to disappoint you. We didn't do anything last night", Nathan tells his mom and pulls out my chair for me to sit. I thanked him and he pulls his own chair and sits.

"Oh look at that, Ethan. Nathan also pulled his chair for his girlfriend. I remembered when we were young and when we go eat out, you didn't do that to me", Alice pouts and looks at Ethan and Ethan laughs.

"I really hated you at that time, you're lucky I'm eating out with you", Ethan speaks and Alice glares at her husband while Nathan and I laugh out loud.

The dining room's door suddenly open and Lilly walks in. When she sees Nathan and me, she starts squealing and runs toward us.

"Wassup boi", She hugs Nathan and Nathan groaned.

"Are you in a gang or something ?", Nathan asks Lilly but she ignores him and walks over to my chair.

"I missed you so so much", She whispers to me.

"Me too, Lilly", I tell her and I can feel her smiling. She walks over to the other side of the table to greets her parents then sits down.

"I haven't seen you yesterday. Where have you been ?", I ask Lilly.

"You know the big fashion show that will be held on the day after tomorrow, right? I'm also one of their models and the boss says all the model need to practice hard so that we'll look perfect when we walk on the runway. And my manager kept me up all night. I'm exhausted", She tells us with a smile.

To be honest, she still looks beautiful. She said she is exhausted but right now she looks like an angel that fell from the sky. Holy crap, am I lesbian?

"So what are you going to do today ?", Ethan looks at us. Nathan and I exchange glances before Nathan speaks.

"We're going to travel around here since Alaiza has never visited her before", Nathan tells everyone and everyone nods and they start eating their food again. When we're done eating, Nathan gets up and pulls me with him.

"What about the plate? I should wash it first", I tell Nathan and Nathan shake his head.

"Our maids can do the job. You go have fun", Alice speaks and I want to protest but Nathan already pulled me outside.

"Can you stop pulling me? My hand hurts", I tell him and massage my arm.

"I won't do it again if you don't like it, babe", He tells me and I smile at him. We put on our shoes and walk into the garage.

"Which car do you want to drive in ?", Nathan asks me and points to the car. Of course, this house also has a lot of cars, just like Nathan's house.

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