Chapter 44

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"I've booked two rooms under the name of Nathan Archer", Nathan grumpily tells the girl behind the desk. He's probably as sleepy as I am.

We've landed about an hour ago and now we're in the hotel. I think that it's around 8 or 9, I don't know, I'm just too tired to check the time. The trip was really long that I fell asleep and wake up then fell back asleep again. Nathan still doesn't talks or looks at me and I don't understand why.

I just remembered that on the airplane, I fell asleep without any blanket over me but when I woke up, I saw that a blanket was draped over my body, making me feel very comfortable, and I grin when I thought that Nathan was the one that brought me the blanket but I felt utter disappointment when I realized that Brandon is the one that helped cover my body with the blanket.

Apparently, he has to go to the bathroom so he asked the other captain to fly the airplane so he can use the bathroom. And he told me that when he walked passed me, he saw that I was freezing and shaking but Nathan doesn't even seem to notices so he brought me a blanket, which I thanked him later.

The girl behind the counter nods at Nathan's words and began typing something on her computer. She must've found our rooms because she smiles at us one more time before walking inside a room that said Staff Only. She returned a moment later with two keys in her hand.

"This is your rooms. Room number 400 and 401 on the fifth floor.", the girl smiles and hands both of the keys to Nathan and Nathan nods before walking away while pulling his luggage with him. I was about to follow him but a loud cough caught my attention and I look toward where the sound came from. It was made by the girl behind the counter.

"I'm sorry, Miss. But, why are you two sleeping in a separate room? Shouldn't a couple be sleeping in the same room", she questions me and I smile at her.

"We're aren't dating", I tell her and before she can ask me any more weird questions, I walk away toward the direction of Nathan. He is waiting for the elevator doors to open and when I was close to him, he looks at me for a moment before looking back to the doors, totally ignoring me.

Oh my god, why does he keeps doing this?

The elevator doors open and we both walk in at the same time. There were no more people so Nathan presses the button number '5' , which means the fifth floor, instantly. The elevator moves and I look at Nathan, trying to read his mind.

What is he thinking right now? Why isn't he talking to me? Why is he ignoring me? Many questions swim in my head. Oh wait, is he mad at me for rejecting him? But I don't know if that's the reason or not. If I wanted to know if it's the truth, I needed to have a conversation with him, I needed to talk to him. And then an idea pops inside my head.

"Nathan, I have emailed our Philippines clients and they said that tomorrow afternoon will be a great time for the meeting, if you're free", I tell Nathan, waiting to see his reactions. He thinks for a moment before nodding.


That's all I'm gonna get? Not even a 'yeah, I'll be free' or even a simple 'yes' ? Seriously, why is he doing this? It drives me mad.

I was about to ask him why he acted this way toward me but the elevator doors open and Nathan quickly walks out, like if he stays in here for one more minute, he'll be burnt. I follow him out with a loud sigh, which seemed to get his attention because he stops walking and turns around, making me almost bump into his back. I thought that he'll ask me 'Why did you sigh?' or 'What's on your mind?' but instead he just hands me a key and walks away without sparing me a glance.

What in the world?

This is just rude. I look at the key in my hand, to know the room number that Nathan gave me and it's 400, for a brief moment and looks back to glare at him but he was nowhere to be found. Is he already in his room? Damn, he was quick.

I sigh and walk as I read the sign on the room door to find my room, which is room 400.

395,396,397,398,399,400. Found you.

I did a happy dance in my mind and unlock the door with my key and the door flung open. I walk inside with my suitcase and check the surrounding. I'm not even surprised even a bit when the decoration in this room looks exactly like the one from the high-class movie. A very delicate-looking table lamp was positioned on a nightstand, which was cover in gold color. The king-sized bed is placer in the center. Two strange doors were located near the bed and I walk over to open it. One of it was the bathroom and another one is a closet.

The bathroom was really big. A big tub was in the left corner while the sink is in the right corner. The toilet was right next to the sink. This bathroom was decorated with marbles and I can feel a very modern vibe when entering this bathroom.

I've no doubt that the amount of money that Nathan spent in this room is very expensive and I know for sure that I can't afford it. I open my suitcase and pull out a big sweatshirt and close the suitcase. I don't feel the need to put all of my clothes in the closet because I know that I might be leaving back to America tomorrow.

I really wanted to take a shower but I can't even open my eyelids so I just changed in the big sweatshirts and jump on my bed. I rolled around and before I know it, I'm in my dreamland.


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