Chapter 41

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After we got our ice-cream, we decided that it would be a great idea to watch a movie. Actually, it wasn't my idea, it was...

Holy crap, did I just spent some time with a man that I didn't even know his name?

"That movie was amazing", I exclaimed out loud as we walk out of the theater.

"Yeah, I know. The ending was epic. I literally can't wait for the next movie to come out", He speaks. If you can't already tell, we were watching 'Avengers: Infinity War'. It was a very good movie, just like everyone claims it is. But the ending is what made me absolutely hate the movie.

Just kidding

Why do they need to put a cliffhanger at the end of the movie? It made me feel very anxious to know what will be going to happen next. I honestly hate cliffhangers in movies than in books.

By the time we finished watching the movie, it's already around 4.

"Where do you want to go ?", He asks me from behind and I shake my head.

"I don't know", I tell him.

He just nods but didn't say a thing. We walk together side by side in silence. We glanced at the shops that we walk passed and made eye contact once in a while but I quickly look away. You should know how much I dislike eye contact.

"I didn't get your name", He suddenly speaks and turn my head to look at him. He is biting his lips as he looks down at his feet.

Please don't tell me that he's embarrassed. I tried not to laugh at him.

"It's Alaiza, my love", I speak, playfully at him. He quickly looks at my direction than to his feet again and blushes.

He's so cute.

"What's your name ?", I ask him.

"Conrado", He speaks and I nod.

"Do you want to grab coffee or something ?", Conrado speaks and I nod. Somehow, his name feels weird to me. We walk into Starbucks and order our drink before sitting down.

"So tell me a bit about yourself", Conrado speaks and I think for a moment before speaking.

"I'm Alaiza. I'm in my early 20's. And yes, I don't remember the year that I was born", I tell him and he tried not to laugh.

"I work as a Personal Assistant at a company...", I tried to go through my brain, trying to find some interesting facts about me to tell him...but I got none.

Now, I just realized how basic my life is.

"That's interesting", He tells me and I smile.

"What about you? Tell me something about you"

"I'm a boy", He grins at me and I roll my eyes.

"Uhh...there isn't anything interesting about me, I guess. I go around taking photographs and put it on my website. And if anyone wants to use it or has control over it, they can buy it from me", He tells me.

"Not trying to get into your personal life but did you earned a lot from doing that ?", I ask him and he shakes his head.

"No. I'm actually not a good photographer. No one buys my photo", He laughs and I frown.

"Don't be disappointed. People are probably missing out", I tried to comfort him but he shakes his head.

"You don't have to comfort me. I already know that I'm not good enough to be a photographer", he speaks.

"Then prove it", I dare him. I'm pretty sure that his photo won't be that bad.

"If you want", He sighs and takes out his phone. He scrolls for a very moment before looking up at me.

"Please don't laugh", He speaks and I give him a confused look.

What will I be laughing at?

He showed me the picture on his phone and I burst out laughing. I let out the biggest laugh that I think I've ever made because Conrado flinches and as well as some other people that sit near us.

In the picture, it was on a mountain and it shows a grown-up woman was trying to cover her skirt, because of the strong wind, which she failed because I can already see that her underwear, which has a barbie's face on it. The more I tried to cover my laugh, the more it begs to come out. I let out another laugh but this time I use my shirt to cover my face because I don't want to attract more attention.

"Thanks for laughing even though, I already told you not to", Conrado speaks, sarcastically.

"Care to explain what's going on in that picture ?", My laughter starts to calm down now.

"Well, I was going a trip with my friend and I decide to wander around and takes photos and this woman approached me and ask me to take a photo of her and she'll pay me. I take the photo but out of nowhere, a strong wind passed by and her underwear was clearly shown. She was pissed and called me a pervert and stormed away. I don't even understand, I didn't even do anything wrong, it was the wind's fault", Conrado pouts and I laugh, again.

"How do you live then? I mean you seem to be living a very luxurious life. You have a car and the clothes that you're wearing, I'm pretty sure that they're expensive", I raised my eyebrows at him and he casually leans against his chair.

"My parents", He tells me.

"Ohh...I see. So you're still mommy's little boy, huh ?", I ask him and he nods.

"I don't see any problem with that. They give me money whenever I ask them so that's a good thing", He smiles.

"So you're gonna keep asking them for money ?", I ask him, curiously.

"Actually no, I finished business school earlier this year and I wanted to take a full year of break before continuing my dad' business", He speaks and he seems frustrated.

"What's wrong ?", I ask him.

"Nothing. I just don't want to run a company. It seems to be a very hard job", He mutters and I gasped.

"So your dad owns a company ?", I ask him and he nods, hesitantly.

That's explain everything.

I wanted to ask him more about the name of the company his dad owns but he seems stressed so I stop myself from asking.

"You know what? It's getting pretty late. I should be going home or dad will send his people to get me", Conrado sighs and I nod in understanding.

"I'll drop you off", He speaks and we both walk side by side to the parking lots.

I think one moment, our hand touches and I quickly move my hand away and blush. When I look to his direction, he's doing the same thing.

The car ride was silent and I'm grateful. We arrived and I unbuckle my seat belt.

"I hope you had a great time. And I hope that I cheered you up", Conrado speaks and I smile at him.

"It does cheer me up, thanks for today", I wink at him and walk out of the car. I wave him goodbye as he drives away, not before exchanging our number.

Cuz, why not?

I walk to my room happily while humming a tune inside my head. When I reached my room, I unlocked it and walk in. I drop my purse on the table and walk to the bed. I was about to jump directly on my bed but a figure near the window made me scream in fear.

Oh my god, is that burglar? Are they trying to steal my stuff?

Instead, that figure walk toward my direction and I let out a breath of relief when I realized that it's only Nathan.

But then I held my breath again because the look on Nathan's face already made me want to poop my pants.


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