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           TRAE PULLED UP to a small, weather-beaten house that was painted a faded sea foam green. A few houses were scattered around it, but mostly the area was surrounded by Aberdeen's usual cluster of brown and green foliage. 

Trae put the car in park just in time for a tall, lanky figure to open the front door and jog down the front steps. Lindy unbuckled her seatbelt slowly, watching Trae get out and approach the mystery character who was more legs than anything else. 

"Hey man, glad you could make it," the guy greeted, clapping his hand into Trae's with an authentic smile on his face. Lindy guessed that this must have been Krist. Staggering height aside, his messy muse of brown hair fell into his eyes and Lindy caught sight of a band name stamped across his rumpled t-shirt. 

"I wouldn't miss it. Your band is the only band I'd ever join anyways," Trae laughed.

"You should have been starting your own band ages ago Clayton," Krist asserted, looking at Trae with blatant admiration all over his face. Lindy's pride for her brother surged. 

She walked up behind the pair, stuffing her hands inside the depths of her jacket pockets. She began to suddenly feel very shy, an emotion she felt only when she was starting to actually give a damn what other people thought about her. That was rare enough in itself.

"This is my little sister, Lindy," Trae introduced, stepping aside to allow Lindy into clear view of Krist.

"Hey," Lindy said politely, removing one balled fist from her pocket to grasp Krist's outstretched hand. He had a strong handshake and kind eyes that smiled along with his lips and Lindy took an almost instantaneous liking to him. She felt a sense of gratitude that Trae had bonded with someone who clearly appreciated him for who he was. There was no judgement or suspicious in Krist's mossy green eyes.

"Come on in, guys. We're set up in my garage."

Krist welcomed the siblings inside, leading them through the winding path that was the living room and kitchen out to the garage door. Lindy surveyed her surroundings with flickering eyes, unable to resist resting her gaze on family photos that decorated the entertainment center in the living room.

There was something about other people's lives that enraptured her. Even passing by a stranger on the street left her questioning where that person might have been from or if they had ever been in love, or whether or not they enjoyed something as simple as breakfast food for dinner.

Based on Krist's scattered collection of family photographs, Lindy deduced that his parents were divorced. In not one picture were they all photographer together as a family. 

"Is Shelli not here?" Trae asked from up ahead, jolting Lindy from her inner musings.

"Nah, she's working. Someone's gotta serve all those double cheeseburgers," Krist grinned over his shoulder. He opened the garage door and gave it a slight kick when it stuck against the door frame. Once it parted, he led them into the dimly lit garage that strangely enough, had a couch and matted rug in it. The garage door was opened slightly, allowing a sliver of gray light in. The air was still muggy though and the scent of marijuana clung to every surrounding. On the couch sat at a blonde-haired boy, his giant flannel swallowing him whole as he slumped against the couch's dusty upholstery. 

"Kurt, this is Trae Clayton, the best damn drummer in all of Aberdeen," Krist announced proudly. He spread his long arm out, introducing Trae with flourish.  

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now