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                           LINDY WAS SITTING on the ground. She didn't know at what point that her legs had given out, her body sinking shakily to the floor. She wasn't even sure of how long she'd been there, scream-crying into her hands, begging God for an answer as to why he had snatched Kurt away from her.

It was Freddie who brought Lindy back into present time; he crept up on her, rubbing himself against her leg. Lindy looked up, her face wet with tears and her brown eyes, usually so lovely, spotty with redness. Freddie nudged his head against her.

This small sign was what calmed Lindy down. It reminded her that life would still go on -- there was still a little being beside her, one who would need her to pet him and feed him. She sat up straighter, quietly running her hand down the length of Freddie's back and listening to his pleasurable purr.

And then she remembered how she had come to own Freddie in the first place. Kurt had gifted him to her.

If it weren't for the fact that she could feel her own heartbeat, Lindy would have assumed that had died of a broken heart. Her surroundings were blurred and things didn't feel real. It was like time had stopped. She found herself thinking back to the first time she had tried acid. Everything had felt like it was from a dream. It was similar to that, only this was her worst nightmare.

She would have been more than content to sit on the floor for the rest of the day, crying hysterically, but she thought vaguely of her brother's smiling face. Of course Trae would come to her in a time like this. He had been her savior all her life, and it was only natural that she think of him when she felt so close to her own demise.

Clambering up off of the floor, Lindy staggered to the kitchen. Everything had a misty hue to it, courtesy of her tears. Her eyes were almost swollen shut.

She dialed Trae's number, holding the phone up and praying that he would be at home to answer and not at work.

"Hello?" Trae said cheerfully from the end of the line.

"Trae," Lindy croaked.

"Lindy? Are you okay?" Trae asked, suddenly alarmed by the manner with which his sister spoke.

"No. I'm not okay. Kurt and I just broke up."

"Oh shit, Lindy . . . just now?"

"Yes," Lindy whispered, sinking into a seat at the kitchen table.

"I'm so sorry Linds. Are you sure it's over? Like really, really over?"

"I'm positive," Lindy said, rubbing her eyes. "I've never been more sure of something. It's like our relationship . . . it died when he walked out of the door. I felt it die."

"Lindy, I really don't think Kurt can live without you. I bet he'll come back. Just give it a day or two and he'll be back, I know it. He loves you so much."

"Trae, you don't get it," Lindy disputed, lowering her head into the palm of her hand. "It's done. We're through. I would tell you if I thought we weren't."

Trae was at a loss for words. Never did he think he would live to see the day that his sister and Kurt would not be glued at each other's hips. In Kurt, he had believed his sister had found her match made in heaven. Even though he had had his momentary doubts about him, Trae had always ended up feeling in his heart that Kurt would be there to protect his sister.

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now