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          IF DEJA VU was truly a legitimate thing, then Lindy had never been more sure that she was feeling it in the moment that she caught herself in then.

She was hand in hand with Kurt, walking down a long, carpeted hallway that led to Danny Goldberg's office. It was in a building that fit snugly right into the heart of Seattle, small, but nice enough to have a presence amongst the other towering structures around it.

The halls that framed the setting were decorated with a scattered collection of gold and platinum records and even some signed photographs. Lindy felt a swirl of disorientation when she noticed that some of those records were actually Nirvana ones.

Kurt locked his hand tighter in hers, caressing his thumb gently against her knuckles. The gesture was meant to soothe her, something he'd done countless other times, but she didn't feel the least bit soothed.

She wasn't even necessarily anxious. Mostly, Lindy felt unhinged by the sensation that she and Kurt had done this exact same walk many years prior. The same tense feelings of Nirvana's fate had teetered on the ledge of chance and she'd been there to witness it.

Now they had returned, except this time they were not contemplating the demise of Nirvana. This time they were putting forth into the universe the idea of a rebirth.

Lindy ran her tongue along her lips, feeling how dry they'd become. She'd been silent for so long, almost forgetting that she had the capability to speak and make conversation.

"You okay?" Kurt asked.

They had finally gotten to the end of the hallway. On the right was a door, the glass made fuzzy so that it could not be seen into. It was Danny's office door, the long-awaited gateway to difficult decision making.

"I'm alright," Lindy said. "Shouldn't I be asking you if you're the one who's okay?"

She had originally thought that Kurt would have displayed a strong reaction towards the meeting. She'd entertained nightmares of him getting sick again, crippled by the sudden return of his stomach pains. She had imagined him being angry or scared, maybe even emotional. But instead he wore a perfect poker face, a blank slate of an expression that gave no indication as to how he felt.

He had smiled at her a few times that morning and even kissed her deeply before they'd left their house, but otherwise, Kurt had been unreadable. However he felt about the meeting with his old friends was his own secret, something that Lindy was definitely not in on.

She could understand that. There would always be things that Kurt would keep to himself.

"Are you going to go in?" she pressed, staring through the foggy glass.

"Yeah. But you've got to come to. They'll be pissed if you don't say hi to them."

"Okay," Lindy whispered. She felt like her eighteen-year-old self again, shyly being introduced to Kurt's bandmates in the good old town of Aberdeen. It was the same strange case of deja vu, immersing her in its smother.

Kurt clicked open the handle of the door with ease, pushing it forward and stepping inside. His hand was still gripping Lindy's and she followed suit while holding her breath.

"No fucking way!"

The first voice to herald in their entrance was that of Dave Grohl's, crowing with obvious pleasure to see them both. He zeroed in on Lindy, grinning ear to ear and getting out of his office chair to approach her.

She couldn't help but smile. Dave's own smile was infectious, brightening the mood of anyone around him. Similarly to how Krist had done at Charlie's birthday party, Dave wrapped his arms around Lindy and pulled her off the ground in a bear hug.

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن