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                  IN A SURPRISING turn of events, Lindy did end up being able to make it to Kurt's Thursday gig. She had still gone to Daniel's apartment to work on their project, but had managed to escape early. But that wasn't until after the awkward confrontation that she'd had with Daniel himself.

The other girl, Candice, had been quite nice and easy to get along with. Lindy was thankful that she had been there. She'd managed to keep their goal, finishing the project, in plain sight. Daniel however, seemed more content to stare at Lindy, and Lindy grew uncomfortable when she began to realize that he had no intentions of doing the project at all; if anything, her invitation to join the group really had been just a ploy to get closer to her.

Halfway through the project, Lindy had announced that she was thirsty and needed a drink. Daniel offered her wine, but Lindy declined. There was no way she was going to get the slightest bit buzzed around him. He'd then proposed getting her a drink himself, but once again, she'd said no.

Creepy weirdo would probably drug me, Lindy had thought, getting up and going into Daniel's kitchen to search for water herself.

She'd had her back turned when he'd walked in, apparently having left Candice to her own devices in the living room. Lindy had practically jumped out of her skin when he'd spoken.

"You can take the wine, you know. I won't report you to the cops," he said, attempting to lighten the already strange mood with a joke. Lindy cringed.

What a cheeseball, she found herself thinking, recalling that familiar childhood insult that she and Trae had slung around as kids.

"Er . . . thanks?" she'd replied awkwardly, trying to smile but knowing it must have come off as a twisted grimace.

"You're really cute, Lindy. I want to take you out sometime."

Lindy blinked. She stood ramrod straight, feeling her back press into the counter as she unconsciously took a few steps away from Daniel.

"Wow . . . uh, that's um . . . that's sweet of you Daniel, but I'm actually seeing someone right now."

Daniel's face fell with disappointment. "Oh? That's too bad."

"Sorry," Lindy mumbled, forgetting the fact that she was thirsty and wishing to be in the presence of Candice again so that the entire event could be forgotten and she could refocus her attention back to chemistry. But Daniel was more relentless than she'd anticipated.

"Well, who is he? Does he go to UW?"

Lindy laughed dryly, feeling a prick of annoyance at his persistence. "Is it any of your business?"

Daniel's face darkened to a deep shade of pink. "No, I guess it's not. I'm only curious."

"He doesn't go to UW," Lindy said bluntly. On second thought, she gave way to her irritation at Daniel's rudeness, deciding that she would ensure with full confidence that he would never ask her out again. 

"He's actually in jail right now. Committed two murders last spring. But ya' know, gotta love him."

And that's how Daniel was shockingly able to complete the rest of the project on his own in thirty minutes, allowing Lindy to leave early and go to Kurt's gig. She'd smiled the whole way to the venue, anticipating the moment when she'd get to retell the story to Kurt.

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