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                   "A TOUR? AGAIN?" Lindy asked in disbelief. She was sitting on the couch, Kurt standing in front of her with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Yeah. A European tour," he confirmed quietly.

"You just got back," Lindy said faintly. "I just got you back and you're leaving me again."

For Lindy, she had not spent nearly enough time with Kurt since his return home in August. Because of her advancements in her nursing studies, she was now partaking in her clinicals, meaning that she had to go to UW's medical center every day in order to learn hands-on how the job worked. This had left little time for her to spend with Kurt.

"I've been home for awhile, Linds," Kurt said defensively. "I mean, what did you expect? For us to just give up touring all together? You knew this was coming."

Hurt by Kurt's brittle outlook on the situation, Lindy stood, balling her fists. He did not seem to own up to the fact that when she was available to him, he chose to practice with Nirvana instead of seeing her. She had started to count the number of times that he'd run out the door, telling her that he was going to Krist's for practice when she had been sitting right there at his disposal. 

"Well I'm sorry if I'm being too sensitive for you. It's just that I'd like to see my boyfriend for more than two minutes every day. And now you're leaving. For a whole different continent."

"I'll be back before Christmas," Kurt said bitterly. "Do you think I really want to put up with Sub Pop's shit right now, Lindy? Because I fucking don't."

Kurt's distaste for his label had only grown stronger after their United States tour. He was vying to start recording another record, but it was obvious that Sub Pop had put Nirvana on hold, deeming them suitable for tours but not for another album.

"Then get a new label," Lindy quipped, irritatedly crossing her arms. His argument wasn't holding with her. It didn't make up for the lost time between them that he had deliberately let go of. 

Kurt laughed sarcastically, his eyes bugging out at her, unable to believe what he was hearing. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? 'Get a new label?' What do you think this is, Lindy, a game? You can't just get a new label."

"Whatever, Kurt," Lindy muttered, pushing past him and marching towards their bedroom. She was usually not so coarse with him, but her heart was hurting. Being without him killed her. Falling asleep every night in an empty bed had been some of the worst weeks of her life and she could not believe it was about to happen all over again. She was well aware that it was what she and Kurt had both signed up for, but she had not expected it to be so difficult to deal with.

Maybe it would have been easier to accept if they had actually spent more time together while he'd been home. A small part of her, the nagging voice in her head, reminded her that she too had a busy schedule and Kurt was not the only one to blame.

Lindy was simply too angry to acknowledge that voice, though.

Kurt was at her heels as she fled, following her into the bedroom. "Where are you going?" he demanded.

"Work," Lindy snapped, ripping open her dresser drawer and pulling out her work clothes. Kurt threw his hands up.

"There you go. Always blaming me when look, you're never even fucking home to enjoy my company."

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now