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               THE PICTURE OF Hannah that Lindy held in her hands was an old Polaroid, taken ages ago when Hannah had been pregnant with Trae. It had eventually yellowed around the edges with time, but nothing diminished the radiance of Hannah's smile, shining up from the photograph.

Lindy smoothed her finger over the rippled surface of the picture. Months upon months could pass, and yet she missed her mother as much as the day she'd lost her.

"Who's that?"

Her roommate Jacqueline had climbed down off her bed to approach Lindy, who stood in front of their full body mirror that hung on the bathroom door. She was smiling kindly, her interest not prying, but of genuine curiosity.

Lindy smiled back and handed her roommate the photo. "It's my mom."

"You look just like her," Jacqueline remarked, pondering the Polaroid in her hands. "You are both so pretty."

"Nah, she was something else. If you could have seen her in person, then you would have understood. She was that storybook kind of pretty," Lindy said, her words drifting into memories as she recalled the image of Hannah's lovely face in person.

"You told me she'd passed away, right?" Jacqueline asked gently, handing Lindy back her photograph.

"She did. And you already know my dad isn't good for much, so . . ." Lindy shrugged awkwardly, stowing the photo in the pocket of her jean jacket and walking back to her bed so Jacqueline would not see the pink hue blooming across her cheekbones.

Nobody could embarrass Lindy or make her feel inferior, or at least she would have never allowed it, but she had already garnered that Jacqueline came from a wealthy family. She was from a two parent household with three other perfect siblings, two of whom had already graduated with bachelor's degrees. Jacqueline was quite nice, but Lindy could only guess what would run through her head if she knew her whole story.

"Well, at least you have your brother and that sweet boyfriend of yours," Jacqueline said.

Lindy smiled at her over her shoulder. Kurt had visited their dormitory only a handful of times, seeing as how Lindy mostly went to his house instead, but he had clearly charmed Jacqueline despite his raggedy clothing and shy demeanor.

"I do. He's pretty great," Lindy admitted.

"And pretty good looking," Jacqueline added with a sly grin. Lindy laughed quietly, lowering her head as she once again felt a rosy blush break out across her face.

"Seriously, Lindy, not to overstep my boundaries or anything but . . . your boyfriend is gorgeous," Jacqueline said. The way she spoke those words, Lindy could tell she really thought Kurt was something. Who wouldn't? But the funniest part yet was the fact that it was the first time Lindy had seen, in the flesh, another girl ogling over Kurt's good looks.

"Don't ever let him catch you saying that or else he'd literally curl up in a hole and die of embarrassment," Lindy chuckled. "But only after he denied it and called your bluff."

Lindy flicked her wrist to the side, checking the time on a worn out, leather-strapped watch that she'd bought specially to keep track of time in class.

"Speaking of said boyfriend, I'm supposed to meet up with him in twenty minutes. I'll see you later tonight, Jax," Lindy said, waving and grabbing her cross-body purse.

"Have fun," Jacqueline said with a suggestive wink.

Lindy playfully rolled her eyes before shutting the dorm door with a firm click. Before turning down the hallway, she slipped her hand into her pocket, feeling for the worn edges of the Polaroid.

IN THE SUN ↝ kurt cobainWhere stories live. Discover now