Chapter 10

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Liana, woke up excitedly as she got ready and got dressed to collect the documents before working. She was confident that she will do a good job and will work on her dreams.

She left the house an hour early, although it takes half an hour from her home to get to the office by bus. She didn't want to be late and left the house with happiness and confidence. She felt like it was forever, until she reached the bus stand and walked few minutes to the company. The guards were guarding the company and it reminded her of the guards who protect the castle from enemies. The guards were walking around and watching every one's move. She was nervous and excited as she prepared to go back into the company.

"Miss, what are you doing here today?" A guard asked her as she was making her way in. She was caught off-guard and stammered.

"I-I was hired-d yesterday."

"You have any IDs with you and who are you here to meet?" The guard asked looking at her. The guard was a buff guy and was way taller than Liana. Liana looked so tiny in front of him, which was making her more nervous.

Liana, fiddled and was searching for her IDs when a voice said.

"Let her in." Liana turned and saw a female, who she clearly remembers, as that lady conducted her interview.

The guard nodded and moved out of the way.

"Welcome to Comic Centre. I am Marissa, I am one of the Team Leader here and more importantly I will be training you. I think you were called to meet Jasmine today." She said.

"Hello, nice to meet you." She said " and yes I am here to meet Jasmine."

"Very well, today will just be you signing the policies of the company and also tour around your work place and brief tour of the company. You will be told where to work and who you will work under. Your salaries and benefits will be explained to you and I will of course be around to train and guide you through out, so rest assured." Marissa said as she smiled at her.

Liana felt a little reassured and walked with Marissa. "Our CEO, Mr Lee comes once in a while with our Managing Director which you met last time. Some time, Mr. Kyle comes alone like last time to pass any message to us by our CEO and we have to report our details to the head office every week or month depending on what we do or asked to do. We have Directors as a head in this company, but our main head is the CEO, but he is always in the main company which is the Creation Company." Marissa explained as they walked through the glass door and entered the huge building that once Liana dreamed of working and now her dreams were turning into a reality.

The week was coming to an end and Liana was so far enjoying her days working as a colorist although too much to handle. She had to learn the policy and company's rules and other important matters through her trainers, seniors and colleague. During her lunch break, she sits with people who mostly discuss about work and how the CEO scares them when he comes to visit.

"He visits like once a month to check the employees and hold meetings or sometime send Mr. Kyle to check on us. At least this month,is over and we are expecting to see them next month. When they come even the security gets scared because of how much pressure they get especially the CEO is around " One of her colleagues explained.

Something good about the company is that they get paid on their break and also free snacks. Liana was glad about it and wondered how she managed to get hold of this job.

"It must be a tough competition for you, I heard about 5,000 applications and how only 1,500 was chosen for interview."

Liana was surprised.

"You know someone from the company?" Another asked.

"I believe that everyone's break is over." They heard a voice saying. They turned back to see Jessica standing there, smiling. But her smile doesn't reach her eyes. Everyone stood up as they greeted her.

"Get back to work and Ms. Parker. May I have a word with you?" She said looking at Liana who seemed like a frightened cat.

Liana stood nervously in front of Jessica.

"I am sorry. I was not here when you first arrived. I went for a meeting and stuff in the head office. How is work going on? Are you doing well?" She asked.

Liana was pretty surprised by her question.

"Everyone is nice to me and work is doing well."

"I am glad. If you have any problem,you can always come to my office or your supervisor. It is nice to see you."

Liana smiled.

"I will get back to work. See you around." She said as she left.

Liana said her good bye as her Director left. After her day was done. She was meeting with Stacy for a drink. She said her good-bye to her colleagues before she left. Stacy was waiting for her in the parking lot.

"How was work? Did you meet your CEO, yet?" Stacy asked as soon as Liana entered the car.

"No greetings or how did my day went, but asking about the CEO." Liana said rolling her eyes and putting on the seat belt.

"You will say the same thing so I thought maybe it would be nice to ask something different."

"You are here because you want to meet the CEO, isn't it?" Liana said looking at her.

Stacy giggled. "I heard that he is an eye candy." she said winking.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him and I heard he comes to the office like once a month or something."

"Damn. When he comes let me know. I will visit your office." Stacy said as she pulled out from the car and started driving to the location.

"At least I have off for two days." Liana said. "It feels great to work here. It is pretty fun and nice. Most of them are very nice except some girls who seems to have some problem with me, but I am not sure what I did to them that they are treating me like that."

"Some people are not worth your time, Liana." Stacy said as she stopped on a red light and looked at her best friend. "Just don't give them any time and they will stop bothering you. The more you give reaction they will enjoy and the more they will follow you around."

Liana nodded her head as she looked the other side to the window. She saw a beautiful shiny car beside them and smiled and admired the car and wondered who was driving the car. The window was tinted black. When the light turned green. Stacy drove off leaving the beautiful black car behind. While the person driving the black car, was left behind and making the people behind him honked.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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