Chapter 17

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"Have you met Oliver before?" Jason asked Liana.

Liana looked at Oliver for a brief moment. He looks so familiar yet she can't recall so she said 'No'

"He too works in the company. He is in the Creation Company, This is Oliver and this is Liana." Jason said introducing them

When Liana looked at Oliver, he was already smiling at her. She give a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." Oliver said.

"Nice to meet you too." She said.

Lucas coughed awkwardly.

"Oh...this is my cousin,Lucas. Lucas this is Jason who too works in the company and Oliver too." She said.

Oliver was pretty surprised to hear the word "cousin" but was very pleased to hear that.

Lucas didn't bother to smile at Oliver seeing his previous attitude.

"You seem pretty familiar." Lucas realized.

" Like who?" Oliver asked.

"I can't point out, but you seem to be someone in a newpaper."

"He does lots of advertisement for the company." Jason added.

"Are you a model then?" Liana asked.

"Kind of." Oliver said giving a sweet smile to Liana.

Lucas looked at Oliver with an annoyed look.

"Why are you smiling so much now?" Lucas asked Oliver. "You were so rude with me outside."

Oliver smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was pretty annoyed with Lucas already.

"because you accused us of doing something we didn't do." Oliver said looking at Lucas in the eyes.

"I am a human. I make assumptions and mistakes. You can't blame me for that."

"You can control though." Oliver said still smiling. Lucas was so annoyed with his attitude.

Jason laughed awkwardly. "Let's just relax." he said giving Oliver a look.

"Liana and I will take our leave." Lucas said smiling too sweetly. Oliver glared at him, Jason put his arms around Oliver to signal him, but it was looking awkward because Oliver was a bit taller than Jason.

Liana coughed to hide her laugh and Lucas laughed.

"It looks so funny." he said.

Oliver tried to maintain his cool figure but in reality he was really angry at this guy.

Liana nudged Lucas to stay quiet and Lucas pouted like a small child being scolded for being rude.

"Are you guys free today? You want to have lunch with us?" Jason asked.

"No, thank you. We have lots of plans today." Lucas answered with a smirk on his face.

Oliver wanted to wiped that smirk from the face.

"That's too bad." Jason said awkwardly. He didn't know what else to say.

Liana was the most uncomfortable one among them. Just then she realised something and asked.

"Have we met before the interview?" She asked looking at him

Jason shrugged his shoulder.

"Did you help me get the job?" She asked.

"I did not. You can be assured, but someone with higher power do." He smiled.

"Like who?"

"I cannot reveal the identity of that person."

"Is it the CEO? Last time they announced that the CEO already chose a colorist."

Oliver smiled. "I can assure you it is not him, but he is glad."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked. "Why is the CEO glad about it?"

"That we got such a hard working person in the company." Jason said.

Liana blushed.

"She definitely is." Lucas said excitedly as he put his arms on her shoulder. "Should we celebrate?"

Oliver rolled his eyes when Lucas put his arms on Liana's shoulders. "At least he spoke something useful for once "he thought to himself.

"Seeing that you rolled your eyes,you don't want to join us." Lucas said.

"I never said that I am not coming along." He said annoyed.

"Where should we go to eat?"

"I heard a restaurant just opened where they serve Sushi Burritos, should we try that?" Liana asked.

"I wanted to try that."Lucas said excitedly. "I am in."

Jason smiled as an approval while Oliver just shrugged.

"If you want to eat something, we can go there." Liana said quickly seeing Oliver's reaction.

"I like the sushi burrito idea." Oliver said as he put his hands inside his pockets.

They walk to the restaurant as it was close by. It took them a while to get a seat and soon they sat down and ordered their foods and drinks.

"You are still in university?" Jason repeated Lucas' introduction.

"Yeah." Lucas said as he took a bite of his burrito.

Liana was feeling very uncomfortable with the way Oliver was treating her. He made sure she was comfortable,but she thought he was going too far with the treatment.

He made sure her glass of water is full, even though she have another drink, he made sure that the waiter doesn't drop the food on her ( like as if they would )

"Which department do you work for?" Liana asked Oliver. Oliver looked at Jason for a brief moment before replying.

"All department."

"What does that even mean?" Lucas asked.

"It means he looks after all the departments matter."

"Is there even a job like that? Isn't that stressful. If you look after all the department what is the CEO doing then?" Lucas asked.

"The CEO takes care of the company." Oliver said avoiding eye contact with them.

"I heard he is young."Lucas said. "And a total brat." He said as he took a big bite of his food.

"Who are you calling a brat!" Oliver said annoyed.

"The CEO." Lucas said. "Why are you getting so defensive for?"

Liana nudged Lucas as a warning to keep his mouth shut.

"Well,that was something." Jason said laughing awkwardly and expecting someone to change the topic,but everyone was just feeling awkward.

"The food is great here,what do you guys think?" Liana asked.

"I like it,it is pretty good." Jason said thankful to Liana for changing the subject. Soon, they were laughing and enjoying. They shared funny moments about works and life and before they knew it they were exchanging numbers.

"You guys are not that bad like I thought to be." Lucas said laughing. "You two are great to hang out with, but at times you watch your mouth."he said to Oliver and Oliver glared at him.

"You are no better." Oliver said.

While Jason and Liana laughed at their behavior. Liana didn't expect this day making new friends, but she was glad.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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