Chapter 34

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Liana was feeling Monday blues for the first time after a long time. She love being a colourist because she is close to her dreams yet far. She was a little upset with Oliver's message when she sent to him that she reached home

"Thank you for today, I had a great time and I am home now. You are home yet?"

"Yeah.. I just reached home.Glad you enjoyed your day. See you around. Good night."

Liana did not know if she did anything wrong because Oliver's messaged seemed so cold and distant.

"Maybe he didn't enjoy as much as he thought he will." She said doubting now. She was feeling anxious to meet Olivia now. She was surprise to see Caleb waiting for her outside her apartment.

"Hello." She said greeting him and giving him a question look.

"Good morning Miss Liana, I will be dropping you off to work, today." He said explaining to her in his same mono tone voice.

"Why?" She asked looking at him.

"I was just told to."

"No. Thank you." She said shaking her head. "I can go by myself. It is morning now, last night was a different situation."

"I am just doing my work." Caleb explained.

"Is Oliver your boss?" Liana asked suspiciously.

Caleb shrugged and never answer. Although Liana found the offer too nice as she can save her time from travelling and not have to sit on a crowded bus. She could not take up the offer.

"Actually I will be fine." She said smiling to him. "I have to go somewhere anyway. Thank you for your offer."

Caleb panicked hearing Liana's word. "I will drop you off anywhere you want and then pick you up again to go back to the office." He said quickly.

"That sounds nice, but really I am okay. Have a nice day." Liana waved at him and quickly walk towards the bus stop. As she walked towards the stop she try to come up with explanation as to why Caleb is following Oliver's instruction.

"He must be making a lot of money to have someone listen to him." That was the only explanation she could come up with.

Liana was standing on the bus stop and checking her phone to see if there is any messages for her. The bus stop was not that crowded but there were more people than she expected. Just then a car pulled up. A fancy Audi pulled up to the stop making everyone gasps and some quickly took out their phones to click the car. Not everyday you see a fancy car stopping at a bus stop and out came Mr.Grayson who was grinning as he looked at her directly. Liana looked around to see where he was looking at and wanted to dig a hole and hide because she she realized he was looking at her. She slowly move towards the crowd hoping that Mr. Grayson did not see her.

"Liana, I thought so that I saw you standing. You are going to the office ? Me too." He said walking to her and standing right in front of her. Liana wanted to hide from embarrassment.

"Yes. Mr. Lee." She said.

"Call me Grayson. I am on my way to the office too. I will drop you off." He said and people around them started whispering.

"I am fine. Thank you for the offer though." She said as kindly as she could and hoping he will just leave because she didn't like the attention.

"It's alright. We are going the same way." He said and smiled. "You know that I won't be leaving without you right"

Liana was so embarrassed that her face was red and she quickly walked towards the car. As soon as they got in Liana bend down.

"Can we move away quickly? People are still staring." She said.

"That's okay." Grayson said smiling at her. "Were you embarrassed? I thought girls like these." He said laughing as he pulled out from there and on the road.

"You are like a young child." Liana pointed out. "I don't know what they must be thinking." She said.

"People will talk. That's what they do all the time." Grayson whispered silently and Liana almost could not hear him but she did and she wonder if there is a hidden meaning behind his words.

"We will grab some breakfasts before we go." He said.

"Uh- you can grab yours. I already had my breakfast." She said awkwardly.

"That's fine. We will still grab you one." He smiled.

"Do you like pass that road everyday? I thought you live somewhere else further from this neighbourhood."

Grayson smiled. " Actually I was at the Internet Cafe near your neighbourhood."

Liana was surprised. "Up till now?"

"Yeah which is why I am hungry and sleepy." He whines and Liana wanted to laugh but she did not want to disrespect her boss- technically one of the boss.

"You can laugh. It is suppose to be funny." Grayson said and Liana smiled.

"Your sister introduced me to the Internet Cafe and it is great! There are many people there and I actually like it. We go there after studies." Grayson explained.

"I am sorry if my sister keeps pulling you into these weird habits of her. I will speak to her about it." Liana said.

"No. I am actually really fine with it. It feels nice to do something different than usual and I like this different." Grayson said as he pulled to a Cafe. "Do you want to go in with me?" He asked.

"I am good." She said.

"Any food and drinks?" Grayson asked and Liana shook her head "No"

"I will get you Garden Salad and Sandwich box and Iced Coffee." Grayson said as he got out and before Liana could say anything he was out of the car. Grayson came back faster than she thought as she looked at her watch.

"Wow. It was so busy in there." Grayson said as he entered and passed the foods he bought for her.

"I am actually doing good. I don't want it." She said.

"Too bad I bought it. You can eat it for snacks or lunch. I don't know." Grayson said as he sipped his coffee. Grayson looked at the side mirror of his side and smirked.

"What is it?" Liana asked looking back but she can't see anything.

"Nothing. We should get going." As he looked back one more time and drove out of the place.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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