Chapter 25

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"Well, I would love to go to a school to give speeches but I was never invited to one." Oliver said calmly and looked at Liana who was already looking at him suspiciously.

"Maybe. Too bad I don't have his picture. He didn't allow anyone to take his picture, but he is very cool." The boy said.

"I am sure our CEO will be glad to hear that." Liana said.

"Which grade are you in now?" Oliver asked.

"Eight." The boy said smiling.

"Why do you think that he is cool?" Oliver asked.

"His speech was very motivational and also he have a good sense of fashion just like you do." The boy said. "I want to be a model."

"Model. That sounds interesting." Liana said.

"I know and I hope I will look cool like you and him." The boy said.

"You want to try looking like a model today?" Oliver asked looking at the boy. "What is your name?"

"James." The boy answered. "What do you mean by that?"

"You don't have school today?" Oliver asked

"About that, let's not talk about that today."

"Let'a make a deal today." Oliver said looking at him in the eyes. "Today Liana and I will fulfill your wish, but you have to promise to study well and make your parents proud and then become a model."

"Are you guys serious? If you will fulfill my wish today then I promise to work harder." James said excitedly.

Liana requested Mrs. Cho to allow his son to come with them. Mrs. Cho trusted them and agreed.

The first place they went was a clothing store and Oliver said, "You can choose which ever outfit you want or mix and match the outfit."

James felt like he was in children's land as he explored and tried to look as fashionable as he could. He tried a lot of outfit  and Oliver suggested him here and there. They did his hair and when they were done he asked Oliver.

"What is next?"

"I am not sure about you but Liana and I are hungry. We first thought of eating at your restaurant but we will surprise your parents later. We will go some where else for now."

They decided to eat burgers and fries because James wanted to and Oliver took them to the best burger and fries restaurant.

"You are rich right?" James asked.

"I am not sure which rich you are talking about? Rich at looks? Rich at words? Rich in jokes?"

"You are a good talker just like that CEO" James said.

"Thanks. I know it though." Oliver said joking.

Liana looked at Oliver differently. Even though Oliver seemed to be smiling and laughing around her a lot and others there are times when he is serious and when he is serious he is scary. He look like someone who doesn't joke at all when he is serious.

"You seem a little quieter today." Oliver said looking at her.

"I thought we were doing business thing. What if our CEO finds out that we are doing something else during work hours."

Oliver laughed and it relaxed her for sometime. He look scary when he is serious. "I will speak to him about this. Just don't worry about it."

Their foods arrived and they ate which James kept talking and talking about his life and Oliver acknowledged James' words and commented and said something while Liana just smiled. Once they were done James looked at Oliver.

"So you are taking me back home?" He asked and Liana thought for a moment that James looked a little sad saying that."

"Well, I thought you wanted to visit the Creation Modelling Company."

"Like are you serious?" James said excitedly.

"We are going there but I won't be there. Liana here will be with you throughout your photoshoot. I arranged one for you so we will see how you do it and once you are done and I am done with my work there we can drop you off home and your photoshoot pictures will be given to you immediately or mail to you." Oliver said.

"Did you say photoshoot?" James asked.

"One thing I hate is repeating. I know it is bad but I can't do that." He said. "Let's go."

Oliver dropped them off at the entrance of the Creation Modelling Company. "As far as I know, Terry Lau will be your guide along with his assistant Victoria Smith. Liana, call me when you guys are done. I have some work here."Oliver said.


"Do you even have my number?" Oliver said realizing that she in fact doesn't have his number while he secretly have her's"

"Oops." Liana said as she quickly give her phone to him. Oliver dialled his personal number and put him in her emergency contact along with her family and friends without her realizing.

Oliver drove to the inside of the building while Liana and James walked inside the building and was greeted by a tall man and his tall assistant.

"Hello, welcome to the Creation Modelling Company. I am Terry Lau."

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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