Chapter 23

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Oliver was so glad that they came to this restaurant. He fell in love with the hand pulled noodle and the soup.

"I can eat it all day and everyday." He said happily as he chewed on his food.

Liana laughed. "You can have it all you want because they always make fresh food and is very proud to call it a home made food."

"Do they have other location?"

"They wanted to expand their business but the rent is expensive. They recently bought this store after renting it for years."

"Our company can help them expand the business." Oliver thought for a while. "They can help us to make their food into packages."

"I think they will love the idea of expansion but I am not sure about them agreeing for package food because they always want to give to the community fresh food."

"I totally understand that, but I think we can find out from the owner."

"Do you think our CEO will like our idea?" She asked hesitant.

"Have you met him before?" Oliver finally asked the question.

Liana paused and thought for a while.

"I went to his office before but I didn't get to see his face. Maybe I should Google him."

"You won't be getting any pictures of him."

"Why is that so? I think he got some awards so most likely his pictures are there."

"He usually doesn't go for any award thing. He always send someone to collect the award."

"He is strange."

"He just like privacy."

"I am sure there are some pictures in the web." Liana said taking out her phone.

"You won't find any because he always ensure that they get deleted when someone uploads it."

"What is our CEO's name?"

Oliver laughed. "Next time You will meet him for sure or may be you have met him before and you didn't know that." He said giving her a hint to which Liana didn't catch on.

"I am sure if I met him I would have know because he is famous and staffs or people will follow him." Liana said pointing out the basic fact.

Oliver laughed and didn't say much as he changed the topic.

"This weekend what are you doing?" He asked.

"I am not sure." Liana said thinking for a while. "Why?"

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?" Oliver asked looking at her.

Liana almost chocked at her food. "Like a date thing?"

"Like a date." Oliver said nodding his head. "Unless you want to call someone else too."

Liana didn't know what to say, "I feel like we should get to know each other first like we just met and you know I feel like" Liana couldn't finish her sentence as Oliver intervened.

"Okay then. How about if I invite Jason and you can invite someone else too?" Oliver said.

"I am really sorry." Liana apologies.

"No worries. We can take it as slow as you want. I just tried though." Oliver said smiling at her. Liana felt somewhat guilty but at the same time was glad that Oliver was so nice and understandings.

"I hope I didn't make things awkward for you though." Oliver said trying to confirm with Liana when they were leaving the restaurant.

"I can assure you we are definitely good." She said smiling.

"So, this Saturday sounds great? Movies and Dinner?"

"Sounds great!" She said agreeing to the plan.

"I will inform Jason. You can call anyone you want or two people or more." Oliver said explaining.

Liana laughed. "You are cute." She said blurting out before realizing it and blushed as soon as she said that. " I am sorry I didn't mean it that way." She said.

"Like what way? Honest? Flirting? Fact? Reality?"

Liana laughed which made Oliver smiled.

Oliver drove her home and Oliver opened the door for her.

"Thank you for today. It was actually fun hanging out with you. See you soon then?" She said.

"You will see me tomorrow for sure." He said reassuring her and making Liana confused.

"We lived in the same neighbourhood." Oliver said.

Liana made an "Ah" sound and realized that definitely they might meet sometime.

"Tomorrow I will pick you up so you don't have to get up so early. Take your time. It is super close the office from here." He said.

"I don't want to trouble you and also I don't want to get use to these special treatments." Liana said.

"Why is that so?" Oliver asked.

Liana didn't answer. "I will go by myself tomorrow but thank you for the offer. I will see you around or maybe Saturday." She said as she quickly waved good bye to him and walked to the entrance of the building.

Oliver looked at her and thought for sometime. "She deserve to be treated like a Queen and I will make sure of that." He said out loud looking at her leave. "You will be mine soon, Liana Parker." He said looking at her walking in and making sure that she was inside and then he drove off to his home.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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