Chapter 46

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After the realization back there and when I reached the other side. I couldn't meet his eyes anymore. He noticed my change in behaviour. The person working there told us to relax sometime in the area before we leave. I was fidgeting with my things like checking my bag, tying my shoe lace.

"What is wrong?" He asked me after some time.

"What is wrong?" I questioned him.

"You tied your shoe lace twice even though they are tied up already and you keep checking your bag."

"I was just getting ready to go down." I lied.

"Maybe next time we should do something else. You are behaving weird after this adventure." He joked.

I didn't say anything and he thought I was upset with what he said.

"You know that I was joking right?" He asked quickly.

"I know." I said and soon we climb down and now have to walk all the way back down to get the cart and return it back.

"You are walking way too quickly now." He complained as he huffed and I slowed down.

"Are you tired?" I asked him. "Should we rest somewhere here?"

"Well, I really don't mind about resting." He said as he shrugged.

He put his hands inside his leather jacket as he sat on a huge rock and looked at me and then pat the seat next to him. I hesitantly sit beside him and he said

"You have been acting really strange." He said raising his eye brow.

"Strange? How?" I asked and he give me a strange look.

"Distant? I don't know how to explain." He pursed his lips together and tried to come up with the word.

I faked a laugh. "Really? Is it because I am talking less than before?" I said. "I was just thrilled with the experience." I said brushing off the topic. "I think we should get going before it get dark."I reminded him.

He sighed and stood up. I know he wanted to say something, but I am glad he didn't.

Oliver wanted to have dinner together, but I quickly lied that I have some work and apologized to him. When he dropped me home. He said,

"Did you have a good time, today?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you though. It have been a long and adventurous day." I smiled gratefully at him.

He nodded his head.

"Good night and I will see you." I said again before I left. He made sure I went inside the house before leaving. I locked the door behind me and stood there for a couple minute.

I cannot fall for him. I reminded myself. He is your boss and more importantly we come from two different world.

'But you already fell for him.

The next morning when I got out from the apartment I was glad that no one was waiting for me today. Oliver is really good with arguments and almost persuaded me to take the offer of someone picking me up and dropping me home from office. He is good at convincing people, but I was firm and kept arguing back with him and he was amused at first, but he later started to get frustrated and finally I won. It didn't actually feel like I won because Oliver suddenly said 'okay'

I stopped by at a local cafe and bought coffee and sandwiches. I walked to the bus stop and fiddle with my phone until the bus arrived. Morning went by really quickly, dead lines was approaching and everyone in the office was freaking out and running around from one department to another. I did catch some people whispering to each other when I walked passed by and I lied to myself that they are not talking about me. It felt really uncomfortable as the lunch approach. Some of my co-workers avoided me at lunch and said they had to discuss something and they will be out or somewhere else. For the first time since I joined I felt lonely and felt like people was avoiding me. I sat alone on the table for lunch and fiddle with my phone until I saw someone slipped to a seat across from me. It was Grayson. He was beaming at me and I looked around to see everyone trying to avoid my gaze.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered, I was horrified seeing him coming and sitting across from me and is pretending that it is normal which is not because he maybe a teenager and someone I know outside work but he is still my boss. Well, boss's brother.

"Well, I had some work here and I thought I might as well drop by and apologize about last time." He said sheepishly.

"Why here?" I said looking around to see if anyone is looking, but I know they won't look but will talk about it later.

"I just so happen to pass by here." He said rolling his eyes.

"Well, everything is okay now. No worries." I said quickly trying to end the conversation so he can leave. He feigned hurt and put his hand on his chest and said,

"I am so upset by how you are treating me here."

"I am sorry." I said quickly. "Is that Fine now?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "Is it because of these people around us?"

I nodded my head.

"You should be glad it is me and not Oliver." He said standing up. "I will see you after you get off from work."

"Wait..." I said confused. "Why?"

He give me a secretive smile and walked away. The rest of the lunch was a silent one with people still whispering as if I am not there and looking at me. I completed my work and walked out of the office building just to find Oliver standing there looking at his watch with Grayson beside him playing with his phone

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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