Chapter 44

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I turned around at the voice who was calling me and was so surprised to see Theo standing there and grinning. Theo still looked the same. His black hair is messy yet look perfect on him. He was wearing a white shirt which clearly showed his tattoos underneath and a black coat and his signature faded black jeans and white converse.

"Theo." I said smiling at him and I was caught off guard with his sudden bear hug.

"I missed you so much. You look beautiful like always." He said looking at my eyes. His blue eyes look beautiful as ever.

I snapped out when I heard a cough sound and realized that Oliver made that sound.

"Oh, Theo." I started. "Meet Oliver." I said introducing them to each other. "And Oliver this is Theo."

"Hi Ollie." Theo said taking out his hand for a shake. Oliver did not look please at all with the nick name.

"Oliver." He said to Theo and shook his hand.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Theo asked looking at me for an answer.

"He is my-" I was not sure. Friend? Boss?

"Someone close to her." Oliver interrupted.

Theo made an "oh" sound. "After we graduated, we never kept in contact. I tried contacting you and Stacy, but you guys didn't reply or anything." He pouted.

"I changed my number after sometime." I said. "Stacy is Stacy." I said laughing.

"I know. She is the worst when it comes to keeping in contacts with people. I can't believe in college she roamed with her phone without checking her messages." He said rolling his eyes. I smiled.

"Is it just you two today?" Theo asked looking at us.

"Yea.. Oliver's friends' last moment couldn't make it."

"Too bad. We should hang out sometime, my co-workers and I were just leaving and then I saw you but I was not sure if it was you." He laughed. "But at least I tried."

I laughed, but Oliver looked annoyed. He neither smiled or commented anything and he was pouting like a child.

"Can I have your new number then?" Theo asked as he give his phone to me. I took the phone and quickly saved my number.

"Thanks Liana. It was nice meeting you again! We should hang out soon and of course with Stacy." He said smiling. "I got to go now. My co-workers will be mad if I stay any longer. Nice meeting you, Oliver." Theo said emphasizing on the word Oliver.

"Same here." Oliver said.

"See you Liana" he said as he hugged me one more time and left.

"Who was he?" Oliver asked as soon as Theo left.

"He was my classmate back in college." I answered him.

"You used to be friend with guys like him?" He said with a surprise tone.

"What do you mean by guys like him?"

"He clearly have the bad boy vibe." Oliver said.

"Just like you?" I joke.

"What?" Oliver said surprise.

"Theo is nice. He helped Stacy and I when people used to tease us back at college for always doing our things and not coming for frats party and drinks." I said remembering the days. "He can be very rude at times but he is genuinely sweet."

"Sweet." Oliver said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Why are you giving me attitude?" I frowned.

"I am not." He said.

"You are." I pointed out.

"Whatever. Let's continue with our plan." He said brushing everything off and started walking. Now I was in a foul mood. We didn't say much as we walked around to search for the "Art Event"

Oliver walked in front clearly looking pissed and kicking stones when he came across one. His hands in his pocket. He was oblivious to all the eyes that followed him as he walk. Everyone, especially women and young girls looked and whispered excitedly seeing him. It was clear everyone was fascinated by how handsome he is. He keep looking back to maybe look how far I am every now and then.

I was so annoyed with his sudden mood change. Like recently I have noticed his mood change. Before, he used to be a lot calmer and smile a lot, but now he smiles and gets angry and go back to happy. It confuses me a lot.

The event was already over by the time we arrived. It took us a lot of time to look for it and I was not in a good mood to do any art work after the little encounter with Oliver.

Oliver seemed like he wanted to say something to me, but he didn't. He was still acting like a child who did not get what he wanted.

I sat down on one large stone and rested my leg. It was a long walk to this place. Oliver still had his hands inside his pocket and he moved his body back and forth and was looking everywhere else apart from me. Well, if he wants to ignore me for no reason then fine. Two can play at this game. This is like the second time he is acting like this and I have no idea why.

When I had enough I stood up and look at him. I was clearly pissed off now.

"Okay, you want to talk about it now." I said to him. His behaviour is making me mad, every minute.

"Talk about what?" He said.

"Are you being serious?" I asked him. "You were just ignoring me for no reason."

"I didn't ignore you."

"Great! Not only did you give me attitude but you clearly ignored me." I said in frustration.

"You ignored me too." He said pointing out.

"That's because you were giving me attitude and you were the one who started ignoring first." I said scowling.

"Attitude?" He huffed in annoyance. "What attitude are you talking about?"

"Okay, Fine." I said. "It was my mistake, sir. I am sorry about that."

This time he glared at me with daggers in his eyes. I have never seen him so mad before and it is scary. Now I know when the co-workers in the office spoke about his anger. I got it why they were scare. His looks could kill anyone and his face was turning red.

"Are you seriously pulling that trick,now?" He muttered clearly pissed.

"What trick?" I said innocently.

"You and I both know what I am talking about." He said fuming.

"Well, it didn't seem like you were going to apologize and you expected me to apologize." I said.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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