Chapter 27

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Liana sat down on the couch to reach a book. Oliver have a lot of book. Mostly autobiography of people and she was surprised to see some comics here and there. Some books have business related matters while others were just normal story of life. Liana soon fell asleep while reading a book on the couch.

She thought she was dreaming when she heard two voices

"Is she still asleep?" Someone asked.

"Shh... you will wake her up." Someone said sounding really annoy.

"I think she is going to wake up."

"Can you be quiet and let her sleep?" And then the voices faded. She woke up soon and realized she slept for 3 hours now and woke up in the bed room instead of the couch. She was confused as she got up from the bed and walked out of the door. She saw Oliver and James playing VR in the office like room and didn't seem to notice that she was there. They had an earphone on their ear as they screamed at each other and was moving around in a funny way. Liana looked at the clock and noticed it was 6:30 pm already. She walked to the fridge that was behind on the side of the huge office table and rolling chair and found bottle of water, cans and juices. Janice was right. The juice and everything was all in good dates and recent. She drank water and looked at the two guys. She walked to the exit and opened the door and shut the door behind her. She saw Janice still working on the computer. Janice looked up smile and stood up.

"Hello, is there anything you would like me to do for you?"

"Not really. I was just thinking if you can help me know more about Oliver if you are not comfortable telling me about him." She said.

"About that. I suggest you directly find out things about him from him rather than someone else because a person knows more about themselves than the others."

Liana then understood that no matter what she say or do Janice will never say anything to her. She then brushed the topic and decided that if Oliver was hiding something it must be for a reason and that she will wait until he tells her, himself.

"What time do you work till?"

"Usually I work till around 6 pm but only for today I am working until my boss tells me to."

"How is work here?"

"At times stressful, most of the time interesting. Tell me about yourself." Janice said.

"Well, I am Liana Parker. I work as a Colourist in the Comic Centre."

"You are a Colourist and working under the same company and you never met the CEO? Oh yea. He works in the main office." Janice said. " I know. He usually doesn't come here that often. He send others to check on us and visit us like twice a month and it is not that great when he visit." Janice said laughing

"You must have never seen him angry before, did you?"

"Who? The CEO or Oliver?"

"You never met the CEO before so....."

"Till now No."

"I hope not."

"He have temper issue?" Liana asked.

"Oh. Don't get me wrong. He is a really nice person. He doesn't go violent and all. He is just scary when he is angry." Janice laughed.

The door opened behind them and Oliver came out.

"I knew it that someone either entered or left the room." He said looking at Liana and then James.

James shrugged. "Did you have a good sleep? You slept like a baby in there."

"I thought I fell asleep on the couch."

"You did teleportation when you fell asleep." James said. "I had so much fun and the photos turned out so great. They said that they will send my photos to some agency and see the respond."

"That sounds like a great opportunity for you. I am glad you had fun. What about you?" Liana asked looking at Oliver.

"I had businesses here." He said smiling and then his smile fade when he looked at Janice and giving her some sign with his eyes and Janice nodded.

"We should get going. His dad may not be that happy if we are too late." Oliver said quickly. "We were waiting for you to get up to go."

"You should have woke me up."

"You look like a baby and so tired." James teased.

"Is your stressful for you?" Oliver asked once they were in the elevator.

"Not really. I actually like the job. I am hoping to get into the Cartoonist department. I sent in my work over there so I am hoping to get into the Cartoonist department."

"You draw?"

"I really try." Liana said laughing. "But I am not that good because no one have actually seen the potential in my work to actually like it."

"I think you are good at it." James said.

"How?" Liana asked.

"I don't know but I hope you get to do what you want even if it is just for a day."

"Maybe just for a day is all I am wishing for too." She said smiling.

Oliver looked at her and thought for sometime and decided to take things into his own hands.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book, please give it a Vote and a share if you are enjoying this book.Happy readings!

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