Chapter 70

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I was glad it was Oliver.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, at least I followed you."

"I am getting a head ache." I admitted.

He panic. "I think we should go back to the hospital. The doctor said within 24 hours if you feel unwell again. We should go back." He insisted.

"It is just a headache." I said.

"It is just a headache for now, but it may turn really bad later." He pointed out.

"I got some pain reliever." I reminded. "It should be okay."

"Is Mia sharing a room with you?" He asked me curiously.

"I really don't know. She got a room right across mine. She goes out a lot often so she prefer using another room as she does not want to disturb me."

"Then we will share a room together." He said it in such a casual way and I was in shock at his statement

"It will be weird." I said.

"I will sleep on the couch. If you are worried about that." He said.

"Will you be okay??" I asked.

"Should be fine. As long as I know you will be okay." He said.

"We should say our goodbye and leave before anything worse happens and I really have to take you to the hospital."

"Let's hope not." I said.

"Let's hope so." He said as he led me to the washroom and he said he will wait for me outside.

I was washing my hands when I looked at myself in the mirror. It was bad. My head was covered with bandage. My eyes looked tired. My face looked pale and the sight of myself made me feel uncomfortable. I was already insecure about myself and here staring at the after incident of myself made it worse. I looked away quickly and I dried my hand as quickly as I could.

Oliver was leaning against the wall outside the washroom. Looking casual, with his arms crossed and eyes sharp looking around. Women passed him, giving him a flirtatious look, which he totally ignored and when he saw me, he smiled at me. The women looked at me and him and I assume they must have thought how a girl like me ended up with a super model.

"Are you ready to go, baby?" He said loud enough for the women to hear, who had stopped mid-way to look at us.

"Y-yeah..." I said uncomfortable with the glances coming from others.

He took my hands and led us out of the hallway towards the room that everyone is in. I should say that, the room was extremely loud compared to outside. Although we were less people compared to the outside. Everyone was talking loudly, laughing and having a good time. I pulled Oliver back before we entered and asked if we can stay a little more because everyone seemed to be enjoying.

"No." He stated. "They can stay here and do whatever they are doing. We will leave right now." Leaving no arguments for us.

When we walked in.. everyone paused for a while and asked if everything was okay. I nodded my head while Oliver said,

"We actually would like to excuse ourselves. Liana is having a headache." He said putting me on the spotlight and everyone's eyes turned to me with sympathetic looks.

"That's right. We should let her rest." Melissa said. "She had the hardest."

"Even Audrey and everyone else." I said.

"But you fainted." George pointed out. "With the worse injuries."

"I will miss you two." I said to him and Audrey. "But I will miss Audrey the most because she lives like really far away."

Mia and Melissa made an "aww" sound while the other just laughed.

We had a mini hugged. It is actually strange that people who we just met, may make you see things in a little different way. There is still nice people out there.

Melissa promised to meet again with us before we leave. She invited all of us to her place before we leave. Noah said he will see us again, soon and give Oliver those buddy hand shake and soon we departed.

I yawned once we were in the elevator and Oliver pulled me and I was hugging him while he hugged me back as we went up.

"You are way too tired today." He whispered.

"I blame the medicine for making me drowsy." I said.

"Maybe." He said as he kissed my hair and at that same time, the elevator announced we reached the floor.

There were few people loitering around the floor, some people just checking in to the room. It was just a little noisy. Oliver seemed to almost say something to a family who was trying to figure out the room and making way too much noise and adding more headache, but I pulled him by his arms and dragged him in before he say something mean to them and ruin the family's start of vacation.

"Are you going to get change into something comfortable?" I asked as I took out my toiletries and ready to get change and start my night routine.

"I just have to get some stuff here, I will be back soon." He said. "I will take the extra key with me, I will be locking the door."

"But ain't you returning soon?" I questioned him, confused.

"Yea.. but there are people loitering around and I don't want them to enter 'by mistake' also."

I rolled my eyes at his response. "You think they were enter by mistake?"

"There will be one drunk person who will do that." He said. "I will be back soon. Just don't get hurt."

I nodded my head and went to the washroom to brush my teeth and everything and I heard him leave. By the time I was done with my night routine of brushing my teeth, using some face wash and trying so hard not to touch the bandage and putting on onesie for bed. I was all ready, but Oliver was not back yet.

I laid down on the bed and turned one night lamp off and left the other one just in case Oliver comes in and that he will have enough light to find the switch or whatever. By the time, he returned I was fast asleep and exhausted. I felt the bed dipped a little as he kissed me on my cheek and I felt him touched my bandage, his touch was comforting. I "hmm" as I moved towards him and I heard him chuckle.

"Sweet dreams, baby." I heard him say as I fell into a deep sleep.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book. Please give this book a Vote and share it with as many people as you can. Your support is appreciated. Next update will be tomorrow. Happy readings!

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